Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

"There is no trick besides paying attention to what is going on with your tank and trying to keep things as stable as possible!!!"

Amen, brother!

Also, you say your vid was crappy?!?!?!? For a phone?!?!?!?

Dude, your vid was flippin sweet. I know I sound like a broken record with everyone else, but your tank is Shhhhhhhhhhhhaweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
"There is no trick besides paying attention to what is going on with your tank and trying to keep things as stable as possible!!!"

Amen, brother!

Also, you say your vid was crappy?!?!?!? For a phone?!?!?!?

Dude, your vid was flippin sweet. I know I sound like a broken record with everyone else, but your tank is Shhhhhhhhhhhhaweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Your quote is very very true! I do watch the tank and let it tell me how its doing more han measuring levels...it is much more accurate once you know what to look for!

The video was taken w my new hd camcorder which is why I'm a little dissapointed w the quality! But thank you very much for the compliments! I just took 350 pictures so ill be putting some cool coral and fish pictures as soon as I can get the pictures edited!
How come I just found this thread?
Very nice tank indeed.
Ryan. Thanks for sharing.

Hi ching! Thank you very much! It means worlds coming from you!

I havnt updated the tank thread in a while because I've been busy with life and the tank... but I just took a bunch of new pictures I will be updating the thread with!
Thanks Lawrence!

There are 3 Large Angels...Conspic, GoldFlake, and a Regal

And 4 Pygmys, Multibar Trio and a Venustus...

Plus, I've got 2 more 2" Large angels in QT and some others on with most wanted list!
is it a clarion?

I have the angel fever too thanks to Paul ( lastversion) i am just waiting for my emperor start eating then it will be back to my QT along with 4 more angels asfur , queen , regal and the Passer who was really mean but ok now.
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There are a lot of angels coming in with Flukes so make sure they get a round or two of prazi and be very aware of Velvet. That could kill all your fish before you know it is there!

Unfortunatly, most of the fish I want are expensive! True Personifer, Clarion, Maze...
those are nice but too expensive for me.
i like mine cheap, fish or corals.:lol:
anyway i bought my emperor from lfs that holding it for me for a month now but i won't eat now. any suggestion? i try live brine, fresh nori,fresh home
made fish food and clams. it picks on the clams it but never really eat it ! it seems uninterested with every food i give it.its been day 5 i am really worried