Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal


Very nice Ryan! I see you have the smae problem I have with the light reflexing from the windows.
Looks great Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (is that enough. I've noticed that you like exclamation marks :D )

I fight the glare thing as well. That is why I take my FTS' at night.
Looks great Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (is that enough. I've noticed that you like exclamation marks :D )

I fight the glare thing as well. That is why I take my FTS' at night.

Make taking pics in the summer a PITA seeing how it doesn't get dark until 10pm for me :mad2:
Very nice Ryan! I see you have the smae problem I have with the light reflexing from the windows.

Thank you!

Yeah, I have been trying to shoot at night but with a 1 month old and a 7 year old, there is just barely enough time to feed the fish!
those are nice but too expensive for me.
i like mine cheap, fish or corals.:lol:
anyway i bought my emperor from lfs that holding it for me for a month now but i won't eat now. any suggestion? i try live brine, fresh nori,fresh home
made fish food and clams. it picks on the clams it but never really eat it ! it seems uninterested with every food i give it.its been day 5 i am really worried

No Clarion yet. I'll wait until i can find/afford a juvi! I've got this taste for expensive things that doesn't help my CC situation. I would be very cautious of flukes. If it does have them it will not eat and will fit the "swimming dead" category. A good way to tell is to do a Fresh water dip with it and that way you can see if it is infested with flukes which would be a reason it isnt eating. If it doesn't have flukes, I would just keep trying a variety of garlic soaked food and pristine water conditions...
Looks great Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (is that enough. I've noticed that you like exclamation marks :D )

I fight the glare thing as well. That is why I take my FTS' at night.


I like them as much as you like smilies and thumbs up!!!
Ryan - the conspicuous made a 180 degree change from where he was at a few months back. Love the pic man!

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