Thanks Guys!!!
I have been laying low for a while. Well, I've been on RC all day every day but I just havn't been posting in my thread. I decided around october to fallow the tank for 8 weeks and pulled all the fish out and in doing so did a rescape. I wanted to see how thing turned out before I posted anythign. Well now that it is over, Im ready to update a little.
The fallow/fish treatment was a miserable experience. Since this setup, I've QT'd every fish into the tank, but the fish transfered from the old tank were never treated so some ich moved over. Well there was no problem for year but my UV bulb went out and I waited too long to order a new one and saw ich pop up. Well I didn't want to worry about a pesky parasite so I fallowed. Long story short, after adding the fish back to the display, ich popped back up in a week! Terrible! I did everythign more than I was supposed to. 5 weeks of cupramine and 8 weeks fallow and 2 round of Prazi. I had 4 QT tanks going including QT tanks in my entryway!
So it ended up being an expensive, stressful time consuming experience that I wont do again. The fish still have some spots here and there but htey are all super healthy and eating great. Im not worried about them at all I just didn't liek seeing it.
In the process, I lost my Rhomboid pair, and flame angel, my blue tang, and my Goldflake angel ( he had a paralysis issue alraedy and was on his way out) not to mention a TON of salt and meds! My Male Blond Naso got a bacterial infection as well as my scribble that was treated too. Sooo stressful and I hated the tank at the time. It was just no fun to watch anymore.
But now that is over and I love the tank again. Everyone is happy and healthy. My multibar trio is still doing great but they still dont come out as much as they did before the Quarantine which sucks. They were doing the mating dance at night and now I hardly ever see them.
I just purchased a Ventralis Pair and a Flame Wrasse trio that shoudl be in next week and I have a few other wrasses in QT right now.
Oh, another incredibly depressing loss. Around Christmas I finally found a beautiful chirrhilabrus cf lanceolatus! I bought it immediatly but it came in floating! I threw in the the QT tank right away and thought it was a gonner. Well after a few days he was swimming around and eating. He went through a round of prazi and was doing excellent. I was sooo excited. I'd been looking for this fish for a long time. Then one morning i went into the fish room to feed the tank and he had been sucked up into the maxijet 1200 filter screen!!! I was/ still am crushed! I dont know if I'll ever find another. he was absolutly perfect and Im still depressed about it!