:inlove: Love the Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Ryan, if there was one angel that would make me go to the dark side that would be it, congrats.
Very nice Ryan! I'm looking forward to adding my juvenile blueline too.
Thanks Brian. That is another very cool fish. He is soo small. The scribble is only slightly bigger than him but I've got pygmys bigger! That trio should do well together. Im interested to see with all you guys w/ multiple bluelines if the small ones take much longer to develop. I was at a club meeting Sunday where Copps was the guest speaker and he was telling us about his Christmas Island Emps. He had a big male and a changing Juvi. The juvi stopped changing over when he put it with the adult. Then, one day the Juvi sneaked under an eggcrate divider and within a week or so, the Juvi completed his change to full adult colors! Then when John pulled the eggcrate, he said it was WWIII!!!
So, Im interested to see if because you have an adult, if the Juvi will take longer to develop into full adult colors... Keep me updated on how that goes.
Nice additions. I cant decide if I like the blueline or the scribble better. I guess both is the way to go.
I love the new additions Ryan, I have been thinking of what angels I was going to add to my tank and scribbled was on the list. Is it an Aussie scribbled? The fish in the first pics is that a personifer? That has also been on my mind. It seems all the fish that hVe een on my mind the last couple weeks you have either got in your Display, Qt or on its way lol. I have a regal coming this week some time
Not a juv but it's about 4inches then waiting on a Bellus pair and lastly a Queen.
I was wondering the same thing myself. Unfortunately it going to be another 10 weeks before they meet. I plan on fallowing my tank in hopes that my little ich problem will be resolved. I'll keep you updated one it happens.
BTW it looks like your is farther long then mind is. I just posted a few pic of mine is my thread. Kevin Kohen said i might have gotten the smallest one they had come in.
Oh, I hadn't realized you were doing that. I'll click over to your thread to catch up. How long are you leaving your tank fallow? Did you set up a bunch of QT tanks in order to house your fish while the tank runs fallow?
Man, I can imagine one too much smaller than mine! Mine is tiny!