Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Thanks Mark!

It is my favorite fish! One of these days on your way down south your gonna have to stop by and see it for your self!

So have you at least narrowed down your choices for a new fish?

I think our fish list's will be quite similar. Im gonna add a Black Tang, Conspic, And Tinkeri Pair!

Oh Mark, what do you think about what Copps and Jeremy were saying about using multiple chillers? You can pick up another 1/4 hp for $300 used and run them both inline. I think im gonna do this as well. Then, if you have them set for different temperatures, only one will run most of the time, and the other will just kick on if the temp jumps too high!

On a side note, i got woke up at 5am this morning because my Tank Texted me saying she was too cold. She was at 75, so it looks like im gonna need another heater. I have been able to keep it around 76/77 with my new AC3 program and a fan. I guess the cooler weather helps some too!
I think two chiller systems work for larger systems than our applications. I still think you should just get the single tradewinds and be done with it. It would suck to have one of those 1/4hp chillers to go out a hot summer day in central cali ;)
I also think that two heaters is a must for home aquariums just in case one burns out.

I'm still up in the air about what fish I will add or if I will add any more fish at all. The day I posted that thread, I also got my property tax bill :sad1:
Tank Equity :lol: Thats a new one, the only thing about that is with my new position, I do not get the opportunity to ship. And the fact that I do not like to frag my corals all the time :(
Everytime I do, I feel like I am hurting them :lol: That is just another reason why I am not looking forwards to changing a few things around. I have noticed that a couple pieces are starting to show some STN inside the colonies. I guess if Tim has no problem cutting up corals and starting them over, I shouldn't either.
Well i have a few not very good FTS's of the new tank.




I'm gonna try to work on getting some better pictures!

As for an update on the tank,

I got my old setup sold which was nice to recoup some money and get it out of my garage. Now im just trying to get rid of my extra equipment.

I have been having some temperature issues.

The tank is swinging from 76.5 to 80 ish. I would like to temp to be a solid 74-75 but it is gonna take some work to get that done. I am not using any chiller or AC just fans and it gets the temp way down at night, but i can't do much for the 4 400's heating the tank up. I have 2 400's on from 11 to 5 and the other 2 from 4 to 10. I think im gonna have to run the chiller in order to keep the swing down.

I also ordered 2 more 500 watt heaters because the temp was dropping down to 75 at night.

I was in vegas last weekend and i kept getting text messages from my tank saying the temp was eventually all the way down to 72! I couldn't figure out why it was getting sooo cold. I had the 500 watt heater and all 4 halides on to help heat it up according to the program but it wasnt' doing anything! Then i got a call from my local police department saying there was an officer at my house because a neighbor called and said there was an alarm going off inside my house! (i bought a little 6v alarm buzzer to go off when the tank gets out of wack! and my wife hates it!)
Anyway, i called my brother to go look at it and the water level dropped so far taht the temp sensor was out of the water and was reading room air! so when i got home and put the temp sensor int eh water the water was 85 because the AC3 had been trying to heat the water up all day! I ended up losing a few of my BIG pieces which sucked as well as a 2" Raptors Peace coral COLONY!

But on a better note, i looked at my jabawaki skeleton and noticed that it is starting to grow back!
I've also got some cyano growing all over my sand bed. I've been dosing some zeo supplements so im gonna change my dosing regime and see if that helps.

I also added a sand sifting starfish, and i am gonna get a couple diamond sleeper gobies and more snails to help w/ the sandbed.

I also need to tear my CaRx apart because it keeps cloggin up w/ air and wont spit out any water!

Oh, i need to figure out why my return is spitting out a bunch of bubbles! it really is a bad look for the tank. There are no bubbles in teh sump because all the hoses go into filter socks? There is a manifold between teh sump and wavysea but i dont know why that would cause microbubbles???
Some how I must have gotten unsubscribed to your thread, where did all those corals come from, lol. LOOKIN GOOD Where did the subscribe to this thread button go?
Strout - Thanks!

Mark - Yeah, i am happy too! And now i have some new things to work on. I vacumed all the detrius from the BareBottom Frag tank but i dont have enough flow to keep it in the water column. Im thinking of getting a nano wavebox to help keep the detrius suspended but not push too much flow on my lps.
new setup looks sweet man! love the coloration on your OST...its just like mine! awesome open, flowing rock structure too :)
haha, I dont know why but neither mine or yours will change colors!

One of these days im gonna have to get you and mark to come by on your way down south!