Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

WOW Ryan"¦ I just went though your thread and it's fantastic. Thanks for sharing and keeping such detailed documentation. I love the fish room and viewing room and I'm really jealous. Your build was well thought out and executed at lightning speed. Congratulations :thumbsup:
Wow, awesome thread! I just sat here and read all 7 pages.
I got frags from you before, but now I can see where those frags came from! Beautiful corals, and sweet setup!
Got any updates?

Thanks! Stay Tuned for updates, I should have some stuff ready later today!
WOW Ryan"¦ I just went though your thread and it's fantastic. Thanks for sharing and keeping such detailed documentation. I love the fish room and viewing room and I'm really jealous. Your build was well thought out and executed at lightning speed. Congratulations :thumbsup:

Thanks a ton Dan! I have such a bad memory that im also using this thread too help me remember when and what I have done, like a journal! It did go up pretty quick once I got started, but I moved and had to get the tank moved as well which is no easy task!
Here are just a few updated pictures...






