Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Time for an Update!

The tank has been doing good! Im still trying to move a few things around and do some minor tweaking!

I fixed the bubble problem out of the return. It ended up being backpressure from the calicum reactor that is fed from the Dart Return.

I've also made some good progress on the cyano. It is not gone, but it is definitly under control for now by dosing some basic zeo products and carbon dosing...

Other than that, im still saving money for the fish I want!

I had some free time today, so i took some more crappy pictures!

Here is the view from my chair as I look at the tank...


And here are a few showing the room...



And some FTS's...




Thanks Mark.

I can't figure out how to shoot the tank without it coming out so blue. Those shots actually have 2 of the 4 halides on!
Try no flash and with the lights out. Have you reset your custom WB for the new tank?
Wow everything is looking great. The whole setup is awesome, I love the viewing room.

Thanks! I consider it my sitting room in the house....Just with a nice fish tank view! Is is nice to be able to just sit and relax on the couch and enjoy the tank, or just sit and read a book in the peace and quite!

I really love having the room too. It is so nice to keep all of my stuff where i can easily get to it and do what ever work i need. I was really worried i would have NO space to work back there. While it is tight, i have no problems doing what i need to back there!
Thanks Jay.

Well, once i got the tank set up, the weather changed and we dont have the hot days anymore, so i dont know what will happen when the heat comes back. I was having a problem keeping the tank warm, if that sounds possible at all! I bought 2 more 500 watt heaters, and i set up an 18" 11,000 cfm fan i got from costco for $60 that is blowing across the tank that is also helping a lot. And me leaving the door open to the rest of the house has a sizable impact on the ambient temp and humidity as well.

I re-wrote the temp language in my Aqua Controller a few days ago and since then, i have kept the tank within a degree of 75! I would eventually like to get the tnak to 74ish.

I have a few more ideas on how to do this, but i just dont have the money right now.

1. Add a Fantech outside mounting vent fan that pulls 400 cfm's

2. Add a 1/2 hp chiller in an outside vented box.

3. Change the reflectors out to the new LumenArc's with AC options. I would replace the 4 reflectors w/ 4 new reflectors that have 4" ducting attached. I would then put 2 4" inline duct fans and vent the air outside. Seeing as Most of the heat comes from the halides, I think this could be a very good option. The only problem is that the reflectors are $200 each and i need 4!
Thanks Jay.

Well, once i got the tank set up, the weather changed and we dont have the hot days anymore, so i dont know what will happen when the heat comes back. I was having a problem keeping the tank warm, if that sounds possible at all! I bought 2 more 500 watt heaters, and i set up an 18" 11,000 cfm fan i got from costco for $60 that is blowing across the tank that is also helping a lot. QUOTE]

Wow, 11,000 CFM is a lot of air movement!

Could it be 1,100?
yeah, that is what I said! But Yes, it is 11,000 cfm's. Well, that is what is says on the box, but it sure doesn't feel like 11,000. It is definitly a lot of air flow, but is still doesn't feel like 11,000...
Wow, awesome thread! I just sat here and read all 7 pages.
I got frags from you before, but now I can see where those frags came from! Beautiful corals, and sweet setup!
Got any updates?