Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal






Great shots Ryan.. Your coral is looking fantastic and alot of new growth . I love your taste in coral and fish. Is that blue/white acro an enchnata? All of your sps looks like it has done very well.
Great shots Ryan.. Your coral is looking fantastic and alot of new growth . I love your taste in coral and fish. Is that blue/white acro an enchnata? All of your sps looks like it has done very well.

Thanks Brad! The feeling is mutual! I belive the blue/white one your talking about is the IceFire. I was doing some work on the tank yesterday and looked at the light rack. I have been wondering why the colors have not been better w/ all of that light up there. Then I went into the garage and got the tape measure out. The bulbs were 22" from the water's surface! It is nice having the light rack on a pully system because w/ a little pulling and pushing, I lowered teh lights to 16". It was a very noticable change in the tank making it much brighter! Im very excited to see how the colors change over teh next month or so!!!

As far as fish, my wish list seems pretty solid, I just need to take care of some personal things before I start aquiring my fish. My QT has been cycling for 3 months now and seems very stable. I've had a Flame Angel in there for about 8 weeks and he is doing great so I am confident to begin adding fish.

Here is my Wish List for fish. It will take me a few years to complete it, but it will be fun!!!

Black Tang
Tinkeri Pair
Potters Pair
Wrought Iron BF
And I want Lineatus, Rhomboid, and Flames, I just havn't decied if i want to get 3 females of each and let them change, pairs, or single Supermales??? Any thoughts on how I should go about the Wrasse selections?
reefdigger - Patience in ReefKeeping is the hardest thing to learn about the hobby! Im still have to work very hard at it!!!
Nice stuff Ryan. There's a vendor selling a interruptus right now. Sound tempting? haha ;)

Are you still adding bak and start2?
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Thanks Jay. I'll send yuo a pm about the Interruptus!

Yes im still adding the bak and start2 but im still struggling to get the dosages correct.
Ryan, wow is all I can say. I just read this entire thread (I have a broken foot so I have a lot of time.) Very impressive build. Your corals and fish look amazing. Keep the great updates coming. Stay safe Bro!

Ryan, wow is all I can say. I just read this entire thread (I have a broken foot so I have a lot of time.) Very impressive build. Your corals and fish look amazing. Keep the great updates coming. Stay safe Bro!


Hi Dave. Thank you very much! I hope your foot heals soon so you can get back to work!

Ryan, what are these 2?



If your talking about the pieces in the middle, then the first one is the Ultimates Purple Monster and the second one is the Matrix. How is your tank coming along? I know you made some changes but i havn't seen anything about it???
It''s running and doing well but it's staying on the DL for a bit ;)

Im waiting for a couple more corals and a couple more fish :D