SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14772742#post14772742 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Beautiful shots, Gary! And a beautiful collection of fish, Sara! Now I need to collect some nice fish and make friends with a professional photographer :D

Thanks Kenny :o
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14766004#post14766004 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by muzz
Excellent pics Gary, and nice tank Sara.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14766709#post14766709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slojmn
WOW, Gary those are stunning. Sara, it all looks so good. Those are a lot of fishies still to add, hehehehe, the mirror idea sounds like a good one.

Thanks Alicia. I'm guessing the PBT is NOT going to like the Bellus pair ... especially the female so I'm planning on a BIG mirror for that addition!
Yes, sorry for the slow updates! I've been busy with the pond and spring garden cleaning. I have also taken down my 92G to get ready for the new rimless tank. As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to the garage for some staining work on the new stand.

I have added a few more new wrasses and transferred in some of the existing fish. Just last night I moved in my Magnificent Foxface from the sump and also added 2 femaly Cebu pylei wrasses and also a Naoko's Fairy Wrasse. I like to add in groups to divert the aggression from the other fish. I also lost my supermale lineatus wrasse over the weekend. He jumped out of the tank while I was feeding last Wednesday and hit me an landed on the step ladder and was immediately tossed back in the tank. Something must have happened as he was then beaten by the other wrasses over the next few days and passed on Friday. It's a bummer as I have had him for 2 years now and he was my first fairy wrasse I had ever purchased.

Now for a couple photos. Here's a FTS from early April ... the crown molding still needs to be attached.


Here's a shot of the tank lighting. The Lumenarc III's are attached to a light rail for easy removal. I actually removed the motors from the 3 light movers and attached the reflectors. The sides of my canopy are removable, so the lights can be slid left or right and can be removed off the rail. I also have 4 VHO's running across the braced areas of the tank. I didn't want to have to reach over the bulbs, so they run from front to back.
Sara the tank looks great! WHats the height on your canopy? Do you have any closer pics of the light rail.
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

Brian - I'll try and get some canopy measurements and more photos up here for you soon.

Cary - I got the new tank from Miracles up in Canada.
Sorry to hear about the lineatus, Sara. I am sure you'll be able to find a nice replacement. It's always tough losing any animal :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15091399#post15091399 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Sorry to hear about the lineatus, Sara. I am sure you'll be able to find a nice replacement. It's always tough losing any animal :(

Thanks Kenny! I had added a 2nd lineatus back in April, so I think I'll just stick with that one and not add another. I was just surprised to hear that all the smaller wrasses in the tank were picking on him ... including the rhomboid male. This lineatus was the largest wrasse in the tank. I was gone for the weekend, so Gary informed me of the issue on Friday night and kindly scooped out the body on Saturday for me.

I also treated myself with that Naoko's Fairy Wrasse, so I'm good on wrasses for a while!
Spent some time at Sara's the other night, testing out my new macro flash bracket. Here are some of the results. Very excited to get a good shot of the pylei male in full "flash" mode. It's hard to do justice to the lime green color it generates.

Cirrhilabrus pylei (male) flashing

Cirrhilabrus pylei (female)

Cirrhilabrus naokoae

Genicanthus bellus (male) clipped the ends of his tail. Grrrr!!!!!

Genicanthus bellus (female)

Powder Blue Tang hybrid

Cirrhilabrus lineatus

Assessor macneilli (housed in Sara's nano, but one cool fish)
very nice tank...what kind of anthias are those that you have in the group? I definitely want to get some.