SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

Sara, Did you get your Naokoae before the quadrupled in price because all of a sudden they were a "new" species? Beautiful collection :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15147387#post15147387 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jflip2002
Whered you get that Powder Blue Hybrid? It looks terrific.

Thank you, he came from Divers Den.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15147477#post15147477 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
Sara, Did you get your Naokoae before the quadrupled in price because all of a sudden they were a "new" species? Beautiful collection :)

Of course not ...

I'm reeling from all the awesome fish shots and the incredible tank that you've got there!!! I didn't know girls were so into reefs, wish my wife shared my passion and had your skills! That's ok though, she's a keeper! :D

VERY nice tank, look forward to tagging along!
By the way, where'd you pick up the pair of Bellus from??? I'd sure like to add a pair of those to my 150! You think they'd do alright in my 48"x30"x24", I've never kept them before but would love to try them if my tank is big enough!

Boy, if I'd have just been able to squeeze out another foot or two, I'd have so many more options:rolleyes: NEXT TIME!
Beautiful fish and photos. Thanks again for having us out the other weekend Sara. I can attest that even as amazing as Gary's shots are, the tank is even better in person.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15148953#post15148953 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave's Reef
I'm reeling from all the awesome fish shots and the incredible tank that you've got there!!! I didn't know girls were so into reefs, wish my wife shared my passion and had your skills! That's ok though, she's a keeper! :D

VERY nice tank, look forward to tagging along!

LOL - Yes there's a few of us hardcore girl reefers out there! It can go both ways as my hubby wants nothing to do with the tank other than looking at it when it's all done!

I got my Bellus from LFS's around here. I got the male first and then found a nice healthy female companion for him. They are great fish and don't bother my corals. I've had the pair for 2 years now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15150883#post15150883 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Beautiful fish and photos. Thanks again for having us out the other weekend Sara. I can attest that even as amazing as Gary's shots are, the tank is even better in person.

Thanks Mike! It was nice having you and Eric out to visit and see the tank in person. Hopefully you can come out again as the tank matures!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15165655#post15165655 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Great fish, Sara. So when is Gary gonna come and visit SoCal? :D

And Norcal :D
I'll be out there as soon as I can scam a business trip. Unfortunately, they're few and far between these days.
Did you receive your rimless tank. Have you ordered from Miracles before. Do you know anything about .
Yes, I've now had the rimless for a couple of months ... still dry of course! I had not ordered from Miracles before, but I was really pleased with their customer service through the ordering process and also pleased with the end result of the tank.

As far as Glasscages goes, I personally feel you get what you pay for is all. If you want to clean up some messy silicone for a cheaper tank I guess that's okay, but I didn't want to. I do have a frag tank from them and can see the work they did on that ;)

I'll try and snap a photo of the new rimless tonight.
Here's a pic of the new rimless from Miracles. It's 42x30x20 and will house my LPS collection of Acans, Micro's and Favia's . I had originally planned on placing it in the same spot in the familyroom as the 92G corner tank, but I got used to not having a tank upstairs anymore and listening to it while watching TV, etc. I also didn't like the look of the shorter tank, so down to the basement it came on Sunday. I will be removing the corner stand with the 29G nano on it and moving just the nano into the fishroom and putting the new rimless in that same corner.

The 2nd photo gives you an idea of where it's going in the basement in relation to the 268G. The door you see goes into my fishroom.
As requested by Austin, here's some photo's of my light rail system in the canopy of my 268G. As I mentioned prior, I stripped the motor out of 3 light movers and attached my Lumenarc III's to them so I can slide them left and right out of my way while working on the tank. I can also remove the pendants completely as I ran the light rail to the edge of my canopy and they come out the sides. I tried to capture the rails as best as possible:

Lumenarc's mounted on stripped light moving mechanism:

Shot of rail from the side of canopy where they can be removed from the rail:

Close-up of rail coming to edge of canopy:

Great stuff Sara. I love the neon light :D I understand about the shorter tank. Now that the tank is full and growing in, I wish I had a 30" tall tank for the fish to have more area to swim. Oh well, something to think about for the next tank ;)
Thanks for the pics of the canopy. I actual asked for them ;) . Do the pendents swing side to side while in place or are they pretty ridged? Where did you get the rail and the hangers from?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15180502#post15180502 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dejavu
Thanks for the pics of the canopy. I actual asked for them ;) . Do the pendents swing side to side while in place or are they pretty ridged? Where did you get the rail and the hangers from?

Sorry Brian ... that's what I get for not looking before I posted that!

The pendant can tilt either way a bit as they are not super ridged. My only complaint is trying to figure out how to stabilize the pendant to the hanger. Right now there's a piece of wire going from the socket end of the pendant up to the rail hanger ... now that I mention it you should be able to see it. If it's not done right, the pendant will hang at an angle. You can see that in the photo as the one on the left has not yet been fixed from breaking on Gary when he had to fish out my dead Lineatus while I was gone Memorial weekend. It get's hot with the heat of the bulb, so I can't use plastic and the metal ones keep breaking on me so I'm looking for a new solution.

You can get the rails and hangers in a kit, but they are not cheap as you are getting a functioning light mover rail. The best suggestion is check around for broken motors or rails someone is taking down or from a wholesaler looking to consolidate!