SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15181364#post15181364 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BenjieC
What are going to plumb the rimless into?

Rimless will be added to System #2 that will include 1 70G Rubbermaid sump, the 2 frag tanks and the nano. The 1 sump will be moved over to where the bench and the nano's system is and the bench will most likely be removed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15180620#post15180620 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SaraB
Sorry Brian ... that's what I get for not looking before I posted that!

The pendant can tilt either way a bit as they are not super ridged. My only complaint is trying to figure out how to stabilize the pendant to the hanger. Right now there's a piece of wire going from the socket end of the pendant up to the rail hanger ... now that I mention it you should be able to see it. If it's not done right, the pendant will hang at an angle. You can see that in the photo as the one on the left has not yet been fixed from breaking on Gary when he had to fish out my dead Lineatus while I was gone Memorial weekend. It get's hot with the heat of the bulb, so I can't use plastic and the metal ones keep breaking on me so I'm looking for a new solution.

You can get the rails and hangers in a kit, but they are not cheap as you are getting a functioning light mover rail. The best suggestion is check around for broken motors or rails someone is taking down or from a wholesaler looking to consolidate!

Thanks Sara, I might just have to steal your idea for my canopy. :) Have you tried a large gauge cable instead of wire. You could use cable clamps to hod the wire in place.
NIIICE rimless! :thumbsup: Love the "cube-esque" dimensions...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15180502#post15180502 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dejavu
Thanks for the pics of the canopy. I actual asked for them ;) .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15180620#post15180620 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SaraB
Sorry Brian ... that's what I get for not looking before I posted that!
You guys had me goin' for a second! I was thinking, "Gee I don't remember posting that?" ;) Anyways, canopy looks awesome Sara!
Sara, How is your Cirrhilabrus naokoae doing? I just picked up one and it seems to be a bit skittish. After 5 mins, the dussumier flashed up on him and he took off and landed on top of the netting :( Back to the acclimation breeder :sad1:
No, I've got screens. He was doing great one day and the next he was laying on the bottom of the sand and died.
could you tell me the name of the coral in the top right? the bright green favia/favities with the tan ridges. i think its amazing! thanks.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14371873#post14371873 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SaraB
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14091301#post14091301 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SaraB

No, Jon just likes to look at the pretty fish and corals and does not touch the tanks. The algae will be all mine.

Too familiar....

I was looking for setup info on fishrooms and...
I just found this thread and must say I am REALLY enjoying it!
I too have a hubby that is ..lets say not quite as interested in this hobby as me. (But he loves to show off the tank) :lol: It seems to take much longer to get anything done (because its not his first priority) and Im sooo much like you when it comes to electricity and the dreaded PLUMBING!
Looking forward to reading the if I could only figure out how to subscribe to it I'd be set.
Thanks cindyreef!

If you have your settings set to subscribe to a thread that you respond to, you will be set. Otherwise scroll down to the bottom of this thread just under the Quick Reply and you will see 3 selections in the center. Select the one on the right that reads "Subscribe to the Thread"
I embarrassed! Was that link was there all along? I guess its electricity, plumbing and computers...:lol:

Ill be tagging along...
Here's some new photos of the tank from tonight. These photos will have to hold you all over until Gary comes by and takes professional ones with his new Canon!

The SPS is starting to grow like weeds which is nice!

Left side:


Right Side:


Misc Coral Shots:


