SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

Thanks Alicia! One of my options I was thinking about was the black tang ;) I like the look of a true powder blue or an achilles, but not sure if I want the attitude that goes along with them. My naso is a saint and I'd hate to torment him with a nasty tang!

Just get a smaller achilles or PBT, and they will be fine. I used to have a PBT and Naso together and they used to cruise the tank tank like they were partners in crime :p

But a black tang is nice as well :D
Just get a smaller achilles or PBT, and they will be fine. I used to have a PBT and Naso together and they used to cruise the tank tank like they were partners in crime :p

But a black tang is nice as well :D

So I dropped off my 2 monsters last night and I saw a nice small achilles as I was walking by some of the tanks :fish1:
I guess its going to be in your QT soon enough :D

You are probably correct. I might have to put a "hold" on it instead as I think Gary will give me the evil eye if I come home with more than a new female bellus :hammer: I need to get some other tank issues more under control before adding to the bioload with another fish :blown:
Brought home a new female Bellus Monday night and had her in a box in the main tank until this evening. The male never showed any aggression towards her while she was inside the box, so out she came today. He is now busy showing off to her and she's not taking too much of his crap. She's a bit larger than the one I replaced and she has better color too!


R.I.P. my favorite and first Fairy Wrasse "Bob" ... my laboutei wrasse :sad2:

He must have knocked one of my screen panels up and made his way out and onto the top of the netting. I can think of 2 suspects making chase too ... and unfortunately both have stayed clear of the fish trap tonight :mad:

Sorry to hear Sara, I've had a couple jump and have even had jerky the next morning waiting for me on top of the netting :(
Thanks everyone ... just a bummer to lose him as I've had him for almost 3 years and he was 5". I guess I'll have to drown my sorrows this weekend with some new fish additions...:fish1::fish1::fish1::fish1::fish1::fish1:

I had not had issues prior with them moving the netting ... murphy's law always seems to kick in at some point I guess.
2nd naughty wrasse trapped ... done!!! :bounce1:

Time for some replacement :fish1::fish1::fish1::fish2::fish1::fish1::fish1:
long great thread!

Sorry to hear about your losses. So which wrasses did you take out? I just got my first laboutei wrasse a few weeks back.
The rhomboid and lineatus were trapped. I'll replace the existing lineatus most likely with a new pair and I'm so over rhomboids. The last 2 have been the down right mean, so rhomboids no more!!!