SCMAS/Marine Depot Sidewalk Sale 11/13/10 - Who needs Equipment?

I think I got there a little too late. I was hoping to find some vortech parts or controlleable streams. All I could find were controllable koralias minus the controller. Still found some good stuff though.
I dropped some decent cash there today and I am kicking myself for not getting more. Anyone here have a contact for me to get in touch with anyone affiliated with the sale. I want that G6 skimmer and some other things. I called Marine Depot and they told me to get in touch with someone on here that may be able to get me some more items from todays sale that was left over. Thanks.
I want to thank all the SCMAS volunteers for making this sale a success. I would also like to thank everyone that came and I hope you picked up some useful bargains.
Haha i like your sig.

Old school, still running strong for a guy that turns 39 on the 18th! :thumbsup:

Didnt get too much........

A 8 outlet powerstrip timer and a Hydor automatic fish feeder just in time for a trip. the feeder works pretty good. Both looked brand new in the box.

$20 for both.

Oh yea................ and a Pepsi.:)

i noticed his sig first... i was totally... mind................................... blown..............