Seans 75 gallon Moneypit!


New member
Hi everyone. I want to have some documented history of this tank as the years go on and the tank matures. I hope that a few of you may follow along, and/or that I can help someone along the way as a way of repaying all the help I've received from all you experienced SPS guys.

*Disclaimer* the pics will SUCK at first lol. I have an iphone 6 and a nice cannon P&S but very little idea of how to use them. I'm hoping that jumping in with this thread will force my hand a bit as far as becoming better at taking pics. Expect lots of videos at first in attempt to try and convey what I'm seeing without having to capture decent still photos.

This tank was setup in july of last year. Some rock and sand came from a 40 B that I had setup in my garage. I used to be a BIG tanganyikan cichlid guy, and had 3 6' tanks in my house. A 180 in the living room where the 75 is currently placed, and 2 125 gallon tanks in the garage. I got rid of all the tanks and equipment and decided to set this tank up. Here's some specs and details.

Standard 75 GAL display with built in overflow. Water is delivered to a homemade 20L sump via a herbie overflow. I use no mechanical media aside from the JNS u2 skimmer that is in the first chamber. Middle chamber houses the return pump, media reactor, top off sensor and various dosing lines. From the middle chamber the water is returned both to the tank and the fuge on the right side with a mag 5 return pump. The fuge contains both chaeto and caulerpa. There is also a shallow sandbed. I used to run a DSB in this section but removed it as I don't think it was doing any good.

Topoff is a Smart ATO unit. It has been a fantastic performer and is TINY! I dose DIY 2 part via Litermeter3 dosers. Chemicals are sourced from either BRS or DFS, whichever is having a sale at the time. I started off dosing kalk in my topoff unit, but got sick of changing the amount of kalk in the water as evaporation changed throughout the year. I also have a 1.1ml/min BRS doser that is used to dose a small amount of vinegar throughout the daytime hours. I do run carbon in the tank, but no GFO....but more on that later....

Flow in the tank is accomplished via a very old mp40 and a x150 gyre pump. I like the combo of both pumps and look forward to the controller adaptor to come out for the gyre pump as it is lacking in control ability.

Lighting is a 6x54 dimable sunpower by ATI. The tank started with reef radiance LEDs, but again, more about that later. The bulb combo is currently from front to back

ATI Blue+
Gman Actinic Blue
Gman Super Purple
Gman Aquablue Azure
Gman Actinic Blue

Photo period is 10 hours total with all bulbs being on for 8 hours.

Most all the above is controlled by a Reef Angel controller with WIFI so I can connect with the tank anywhere at any time.

up next will be stocking info and a list of corals.

Thanks for reading all of this drivel
Seans 75 gallon Moneypit!

Here's some pics of the sump
Left side where water enters the sump
Here's an overall look at the sump.

More pics to come once the lights come on later today.
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Over the course of this tank I have become a firm believer that SPS need food and some nutrients in your water is ABSOLUTELY your friend. So, in the spirit of this line of thinking, I have what I consider to be a fair amount of fish.

Tomini tang
Scopas tang
Cherub Angel
Algae Blenny
6 line wrasse
3 Blue chromis
3 Bartlets Anthias
Clown fish

Inverts and CUC include:

Skunk cleaner shrimp
fire cleaner shrimp
5 peppermint shrimp
fighting conch
Tripneustes gratilla urchin
various snails, trochus, turbos, cerinth, nassarius, etc
maybe 2 or 3 hermit crabs at the most.

Coming next will be some info on the good stuff - the corals :beer:
Seans 75 gallon Moneypit!

Here you go. I warned you guys....

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List of corals that are worth listing:

Birds of paradise BN
RR CJs pinky
Copps miyagi tort
Red planet
Shawn Bennett yellow tort
BC Couchburn
BC hellraiser Millie
Pink lemonade
Forest fire Digi
Red robin stag

And a few other misc sps. Some nice ones at that, but not named pieces. I also have some zoas and a couple chalices and a Favia or 2.

All corals were raised from 1" frags. [emoji6]
nice tank, pics are better than anything I can do with my unsmart phone.

lmao @ moneypit

spent all my money on the fish tank and wasted the rest
Very nice tank. We want proper camera shots to appreciate all the high end SPS you have! :lol:
Lighting is a 6x54 dimable sunpower by ATI. The tank started with reef radiance LEDs, but again, more about that later.

Very nice set up. You have peaked my interest with this comment however, because I have a 75 gal and it is lit with two Reef Radiance fixtures. JUst curious as to what issues you had.
Seans 75 gallon Moneypit!

Very nice tank. We want proper camera shots to appreciate all the high end SPS you have! :lol:

Ha! I'll try to take some shots next water change when I have all the pumps off. I can't possibly screw up top down shots....can I?!?!

I'll try to take some shots with the nice cannon p&s I have. I just used the iPhone and tapatalk to get a few pics up quickly. I was able to take some nice cichlids pics with practice. Like this:

Very nice set up. You have peaked my interest with this comment however, because I have a 75 gal and it is lit with two Reef Radiance fixtures. JUst curious as to what issues you had.

I'll try to post some more details. I can do a whole section on "trials and tribulations" but for now I need to get to work and pay some bills!
OMFG you guys :facepalm:

Just hopped on my laptop to see how the pics looked on a screen bigger than an iphone.....LOL! They're so terrible haha!

Is there any free editing software available for windows online that I can run some pics through? Also, whats the go-to hosting site these days so I can post some real photos on this thread?

Thanks for your patience. I promise I will make it worth your while to stick around this dreadful thread :spin1: :lmao: :headwallblue:
OMFG you guys :facepalm:

Just hopped on my laptop to see how the pics looked on a screen bigger than an iphone.....LOL! They're so terrible haha!

Is there any free editing software available for windows online that I can run some pics through? Also, whats the go-to hosting site these days so I can post some real photos on this thread?

Thanks for your patience. I promise I will make it worth your while to stick around this dreadful thread :spin1: :lmao: :headwallblue:

LOL. Thats why I asked for "proper camera shots to appreciate all the high end SPS you have".

Dont worry, we will be following the thread for sure. You just need to play around with the DSLR and post some pics to do the nice acros some justice. :D

Use Photobucket to host the photos.

Adobe Lightroom is more than enough for photo editing. You can fins some decent shareware photo editing software (if thats what they are called these days).

But if the original images are not clear enough, the software arent going to help much.
LOL. Thats why I asked for "proper camera shots to appreciate all the high end SPS you have".

Dont worry, we will be following the thread for sure. You just need to play around with the DSLR and post some pics to do the nice acros some justice. :D

Thanks for your patience sahin. I swear, I do have some nice colored sticks, otherwise I wouldn't dare open myself up to be critiqued on an international forum with some of the nicest tanks in the world.


I found some editing software that came with my laptop and will snap a few shots with the cannon tonight and give that a whirl
Choked on coffee from laughing at @ Moneypit. So sad yet so true. :)

Tank looks great. Really like the rock work.
Choked on coffee from laughing at @ Moneypit. So sad yet so true. :)

Tank looks great. Really like the rock work.

Ha! Aren't they all! Here's a few quick pics with the cannon P&S and some crappy editing software. Still cant get the colors right, but lemme know if these are better than the last batch...


