SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

you could just use some black krlon paint. yeah i cut a rod on one of mine and then wanted it longer. oh well..i should have planned better like you. hahahaa
Ok, after taking in all the great ideas I have done a redesign of the back island, to start.

Here is what I have come up with.

An acrylic rod is being used to give the shelf on the top the ability to jut out much further than it could naturally.


Here it is with the rod covered with the first layer of KZ Speed Glue (cement).

I plan on adding a few more layers to give it a textured look.

Here is a full shot.

Disregard the rocks underneath the bottom plate.
They are just there to prop it up while I work on it.

With acrylic rod showing.



Here is the original front column.


I am considering changing it to either A or B.





I should have mentioned this, but any variation will sit upon acrylic rods, so there will be minimal contact with the bottom of the tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13555992#post13555992 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
Suggestions or comments?

I'd glue on some smaller rocks on to the main structure to form "sleeping pockets" for your fish. I wish I would have added more to cut down on aggression. The fish get competitive over the choice "sleeping spots".

I've been runing a minimal rock setup for two years, and the tank has a higher level of fish aggression than my old "fruit stand" rock setup.
I like original, or B.

The structure with the rod covered in cement is really cool... I think it will look great once a bit more cement is added to break up uniform look; Maybe stick some small rubble in it too.

tacocat brings up a great point, one that makes me nervous. My new build I'm planning "pillar" type structures as well, and it causes some of the only areas for "cover" to be behind the pillars themselves, not creating much "security" for the fish IMO... We'll see how everything pans out.
I like B, it might be cool to use that cement stuff to fill the gaps between the rocks, it would look more like a natural reef structure rather than rocks stacked on top of each other
My goal in this tank is to have enough rockwork for corals, fish, filtration and aesthetics.

On the oppositie side of the coin, I am trying to preserve large open areas for fish and beauty and at the same time keeping as much of the rock off of the ground as possible.

To do this, I have to let go of the old way of building rock structures...pyramid like with large bases and getting more narrow as I go up (^) that kind of a shape.

Instead I am going with more narrow bases and fanning outwards as the structure rises in height ( V ).

Of course this can not be accomplished naturally. ;)

Here is an example, I just finished this rock project with Zo's and Rics in mind.

I want to attach this shelf piece to the partially built out base.


Just line it up and make sure it fits.