SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Good and snug.


The good old trusty Dewalt with masonry bit.

I found out (the hard way) that it is much easier if you use the piece of rock you just drilled as a guide to drilling in the right spot in the base rock under it.


The holes line up perfectly.

Acrlic rod fits nice and snug.


Nice and neat, epoxy will be put in the holes for added snugness. :)

Good stuff, glad we all are catching this now. For those of us who will be setting up a new tank soon, this will really help out with ways to secure\attach rocks.:artist: :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13598949#post13598949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
Ok, I touched up the base of choice "B"

Here is the original base.


Here it is redone.


That's what I'm talking about, looks great!
SeanT, just want to say thanks for some of the ideas. I had some similar rock, and was working on laying this out today.

Very cool ideas, and hopefully it will help out others too. SO many more people need to do build/idea threads. It would make RC even more valuable. Thanks again.

Not the final, but it give you an idea.

Monday - Wednesday are the only days I can get anything done.

I started putting the rock in the dry tank to check out how it looks.

In this current configuration, I don't like it. :(

I like the back piece on the left and the piece in front of it... personally I would ditch the one on the right and go with a "regualr look" in aquascaping; and when I say "regular look" I mean to say no columns with the tables on top. Maybe a couple regular shaped large pieces with some connecting of sorts. This would do two things in my eyes, one it would help with the nozles on the bottom (not that they bother me really) and two it would really make the two pieces on the left - particularly the big one - more unique; just my two cents.

Lookin good, can't wait to see the end result. And like your stand, gives me some good ideas with the finish look of the one I am currently workin on. ;)
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No doubt...that's a tough piece of rock you've built. I occurs to me that you might grow the exact same shape if you just mounted a tabling acro on top of a small piller and waited about 2 years...

Do you have 3-sided viewing here? I assume we are looking at the primary view, with the next most important view being from the right...then the final view from the left...?

I'll reserve my opinion until I know the answer to the above.