What I've found about Zoe's over the years
What I've found about Zoe's over the years
76° temperature, T5 and LED mix lighting, medium flow, 0 phosphate 0 ammonia, additional strontium and iodine (besides the regular added chemicals).
That's a good start point BUT I've found certain ones that are in Loving a CORALIFE single 50/50 screw in bulb in a 5 gallon tank that grow amazing and over all the T5 bulbs seem to grow better but don't look as Perdy etc.
The one thing my wife has taught me with our 13 saltwater tanks is LEAVE THEM ALONE lol. ...they will grow. If ones don't open and seem to be turning into balls then move them to a shady part of the tank if they are in full light and vice versa. Also use the morning and night time "Blues" ... I do 2 hours of 40% LEDs Blues before I put on the blue and white lights (I do blue and white for 7 hours) then 2 hours of blue LED only at 60% and if I'm chilling in the fish room an additional hour of blues at 25%.
As someone else on the thread said...price dictates too. The eagle eyes, dragon eyes, morning glories grow a polyp a day or more and 4 everlasting gobstopper have doubled in 3 months... while I have a La Laker that a friend fragged for me 6 months ago and it has not grown another at all? ... it's alive, open ,Perdy but Nada.
Start with a low doses of strontium and make sure the rocks don't have gunk on em so they can spread. Hope this helps....took me years but now I grow,trade and sell every week and am in the green as far as money goes....but we all know that just goes back into the tank
"Think a little longer and the longer you will think"