I have been conducting an experiment in this area for the past 4 months. I have always tried to break things down into the question of "what can i expect from doing this?"
A short description of the objective of my experiment is to find out several main factors of zoa/paly frag and colony growth. I really tried to capture every possible variable when documenting this experiment, although some things are impossible to keep as control variables. A detailed listing of my progress is as follows.
I purchased about 6 different no-brand-name zoa / paly frags from my LFS about 4 months ago.
Each frag was about 20 polyps for the zoas, and about 8 polyps for the palys.
I dont want to copy the entire experiment report thus far into this forum (unless you want me to) so I will summarize the details. This is all summarized in a Microsoft Excel document.
- I took the tank parameters every night for the past 4 months.
- I did weekly water changes of 17 gallons NSW and roughly 3 gallons top off of RODI.
- The photo-period for this duration was 8 am 2 blue bulbs on, 10 am pink and purple come on, 5 pm pink and purple off, 9 pm blues off.
- The fish were fed 3 times daily, Reef Cavier in morning, NLS 1mm pellets midday, Reef Mix evening.
- The coral were spot fed twice per week, Wednesday and Sunday 1 hour before lights out, they were fed a mix of phytoplankton and cyclopeez.
Every Saturday I would inspect each frag individually, without touching in to get a polyp count.
I tried to place the frags in pairs in different areas of the tank, high flow, low flow, low light.
Z1 = Zoa frag #1
P1 = Paly frag #1
A short summary of my observations are
Z1 - green/yellow , Z2 - yellow/blue - low light, low flow
Z1 grew from 21 polyps to 35 polyps
Z2 grey from 17 polyps to 30 polyps
Z3 - red/yellow, Z4 - green - medium light, medium flow
Z3 - grew from 12 polyps to 25 polyps
Z4 - grew from 31 polyps to 65 polyps
P1 - green/blue, P2 - red/green - medium light, high flow
P1 - grew from 11 polyps to 18 polyps
P2 - grew from 14 polyps to 17 polyps
This was the extent of my experiment because my lights ended up dying and I upgraded to LEDs.
I now have a new experiment going with high end Zoa / Palys
This experiment has been running for 1 week, and i intend to do the same thing with all of them for the next 6 months.
This was my experience, I am not sure that I can officially draw any conclusions from this, as they were not the same species/color in different regions to compare although it appears that my tank showed the best results when placed in a medium light medium flow area. The new experiment will try to address how different placement of high-end Z's and P's affects the growth (and coloration) of these corals.