Serpentman's 300g upgrade


Lousy pic but noticed this in my frag tank last night. A spagetti worm occupying a snail shell. Creepy...


Some beautiful rics that Tony (AD87) brought me a few weeks back.

Very nice tank and setup. I am hoping to get a 300DD in May, but will be LPS. Can I ask for a favor, can I get the exact dimensions of the tank with trim. I am guessing it is 72.5" x 36.5" x 27.5"?
It's been a while since I posted an update. For month's I have had mysterious white spots show up on my sps. Each spot is about 1/4" in diameter. They appear for several days and seem to heal up. I've caught urchins nibbling and consequently removed them. Today, another missing link in the hermit crabs. This morning, I found 2 blue hermits absolutely decimating a frag of fuzzy acro. The good news is there isn't algae in my tank. The bad news, everything I have has decidedly turned to eating coral.

I've tried supplementing with nori but my tangs make there is none left over. I will start putting it in at night....
Sweet tank! ive followed your tank thread since the beginning, its really starting to look great!

On another note, I really want to join c sea, but im currently lacking the $20, so I did the next best thing and subscribed to all of the c sea forums! Browsing through them changed my outlook on reefkeeping in ohio, I had no clue so many people in ohio are trading/selling such nice pieces, and the fact that they are actually within my reach! I think its safe to say I'll probably never buy another acro from one of our lfs's again!
Im really looking forward to the frag swap, hope I can make it!
Well this is my second read through! Very nice. So nice I want to duplicate a lot of what you did. I am ordering a 300DD and my room is about the exact same size. By my calculations approx. 60 sq. ft. Yours?

I wanted to ask you some questions if you do not mind. I will have an inwall, two side viewing just like yours. Plan is to customize with a single overflow on the left side of the tank. If they can, I want four 2" holes in the one overflow. If that is not possible, all 1 1/2". See any issues with this?

Any chance you can provide the dimensions of your fish room in your original diagram? Also, I was very curious how everything is plumbed together. Two drains: one to sump and one to skimmer? Skimmer flow back to sump? How is the how is the dart split off to feed all those tanks?

Any chance you could take pictures of the flow from start to finish with the flow. I want to make sure I do this right and that is the most confusion I have right now.

Were is the frag swap in April? I will bring you a frag if it is close to columbus! I am in NKY/Cincinnati area. Thanks in advance if you are willing to do this for me. Already learned A LOT. Don't worry if you don't have time.
Sorry for the lack of updates. Between the kids sporting events on the weekends and work travel, I have had just about enough time for water changes and feedings, lol. I'll try to get some updated pics this weekend.

Well this is my second read through! Very nice. So nice I want to duplicate a lot of what you did. I am ordering a 300DD and my room is about the exact same size. By my calculations approx. 60 sq. ft. Yours?

Actually, the room is a bit bigger than it looks. The room itself measures ~12'x12' (144sq. ft). This is rough estimate given the shape.

I wanted to ask you some questions if you do not mind. I will have an inwall, two side viewing just like yours. Plan is to customize with a single overflow on the left side of the tank. If they can, I want four 2" holes in the one overflow. If that is not possible, all 1 1/2". See any issues with this?

Unless they can come up with something custom, this will probably prove challenging. If you use the standard Marineland overflow cover in the corner, I don't think you will have enough space for 4 holes. Maybe 3.

Any chance you can provide the dimensions of your fish room in your original diagram?
I can try and work something up.

Also, I was very curious how everything is plumbed together. Two drains: one to sump and one to skimmer? Skimmer flow back to sump?

That is exactly how I have it. The primary "Herbie" drain feeds the skimmer and usually gets 100% of the flow from that overflow. However, if for some reason things get backed up, the second drain is there for an emergency.

How is the how is the dart split off to feed all those tanks?

The Dart splits off before the main tank in a manifold. I continue to split off the main supply as needed to feed other tanks. I use valves to keep the flow balanced. So far it provides enough flow to everything. However I think I am close to max head pressure. Eventually, I may switch to the new comparable Reeflo pump which I believe will handle higher pressure at that flow rate.

Any chance you could take pictures of the flow from start to finish with the flow. I want to make sure I do this right and that is the most confusion I have right now.

I can try and snap some pics.

Were is the frag swap in April? I will bring you a frag if it is close to columbus! I am in NKY/Cincinnati area. Thanks in advance if you are willing to do this for me. Already learned A LOT. Don't worry if you don't have time.

Its in the Cleveland area. It's usually a huge turnout. We expect 350-400 people this year. Well worth the trip...
Not much going on lately.

Had a pencil urchin decide to devour a branch on my stag. He's been relegated to my nem tank.


Here's an updated FTS. Still playing around with my photo skills.


Have some new corals on order. They should arrive on Thursday...

Looks AWESOME! good job
I just sent you a PM. Don't worry about working up dimensions unless you want to share with others. Thanks for your response! I left my number for you. I would love to pick your brain on a few things! Planning to duplicate several things on your build. Just awesome!
It took me a couple days but I finished reading the whole thread. Great job of the design and building of your system!! If you're able sometime I'd love to come up and take a look at it. Thanks for taking the time to post all of this great info :fish1:
Jeff, it was a pleasure to talk to you the other day. Thanks for all the advice! Check out our thread if you get a chance "Bar 300DD with fish room". It is amazing how nice it is to have the resources that Reef Central provides. Thanks again!
Thanks. You are welcome to check it out anytime. Feel free to shoot me a PM whenever you plan to be in my neck of the woods.

It took me a couple days but I finished reading the whole thread. Great job of the design and building of your system!! If you're able sometime I'd love to come up and take a look at it. Thanks for taking the time to post all of this great info :fish1:
Jeff, it was a pleasure to talk to you the other day. Thanks for all the advice! Check out our thread if you get a chance "Bar 300DD with fish room". It is amazing how nice it is to have the resources that Reef Central provides. Thanks again!

Anytime man. I will definitely subscribe to your thread. LMK if you need anything else.
This tank is amazing, I can't believe I haven't seen it on here before. I'm trying so hard to convince myself to fork over the money for a 300 DD but there are two major hurdles in my way.

1. I don't think I can justify this massive of a tank in a house I will probably only live in for the next six years, not to mention the electric bill (you said a few pages back you thought it would be around $150/mo, do you have any more recent data?).

and 2. I am absolutely set on lighting my next system with DIY LEDs. Even though I would only spotlight my two or three major coral islands, the cost of the lighting alone would be as much or more then the entire tank.
This tank is amazing, I can't believe I haven't seen it on here before. I'm trying so hard to convince myself to fork over the money for a 300 DD but there are two major hurdles in my way.

1. I don't think I can justify this massive of a tank in a house I will probably only live in for the next six years, not to mention the electric bill (you said a few pages back you thought it would be around $150/mo, do you have any more recent data?).

and 2. I am absolutely set on lighting my next system with DIY LEDs. Even though I would only spotlight my two or three major coral islands, the cost of the lighting alone would be as much or more then the entire tank.

It's a tough call. 6 yrs is a lot of time to enjoy a tank ;) IMO, there is no logical justification to spend as much as we all do on the hobby. However, it is so worth it!

Its funny you should mention the electric as my electric rates have skyrocketed lately. Partially because I run my dehumidifier in the winter about 24/7 so I don't get condensation on my walls. The other thing is I am running too much juice in lighting. I would say I am closer to $175-200/mo currently.

I am actually looking to do a DIY LED set up as we speak. I can't spend the $ on doing the whole get up right now so I am replacing the 6 x 140W VHO's with DIY arrays. As funds become available I will look to migrate more and more that way.