Serpentman's 300g upgrade

every time I look at your tank it gets better. I just upgraded to a 120 and regret it when i see your dimensions and aquascaping. Beautiful job.

That's kinda how I felt when I bought my 150. However, at least the 120 has 24" front to back which still gives you some options.

Love the look of the new bulbs. The Phoenix 14K SE's are 250w correct?

Yes, they are 250W. Really love the color. Very similar to what my Reeflux 20K looked like when new. Blue but no too much. Colors are really starting to pop.

Nice new lightrack :) I'm sure you will love the Phoenix bulbs! I think it is the best bulb when you compare price/lifespan and color/growth.


So far, I am very impressed. Assuming they hold their spectrum I will be a very happy camper!
Speaking of colors, have been holding high hopes for this coral (Rommel's Rainbow). Although it doesn't really translate in the pic, its finally starting to show hints of pink.


That same coral in August 2009

that is some crazy growth for 5 months. You can see the pink coming out on the tips and corilites (spelling?).

How many different millis and fuzzy acros do you have in your tank?
The tank is looking great. Just curious, I see you've run the XM 20's, Reeflux 20's have you used radium 20's? If so, what's your thought's compared to phoenix SE 14's. I've used the 250 DE's in the past with good results. Thanks
Tank is looking great , Like the new fixtures I have bought these in HQI and was wondering what they would look like... Glad I did guess I'm gonna have to find some Phoenix Bulbs now... Great Work
How many different millis and fuzzy acros do you have in your tank?

At present, I have 8 different specimens (but always lookin' for more, they're my favorite :) ):

Red Planet
Green Milli
Blue Milli
Pink Milli
Rose Milli
Peach Milli
Mint Blue/green Milli
Rommel's Rainbow

Great tank!! I would like to ask u why u went with those reflectors instead of the large LB, thanks.

Thanks! All the reading I have done indicated that the Lumen Max Elites had the best spread. The full sized LB would have been a close second choice.

The tank is looking great. Just curious, I see you've run the XM 20's, Reeflux 20's have you used radium 20's? If so, what's your thought's compared to phoenix SE 14's. I've used the 250 DE's in the past with good results. Thanks

Thanks! Ironically, I have not run the Radiums so I really can't make the comparison. I've seen many tanks and really liked the pop they have. I think the cost of the bulbs and the typical shorter life of a 20K kinda deterred me.

Tank is looking great , Like the new fixtures I have bought these in HQI and was wondering what they would look like... Glad I did guess I'm gonna have to find some Phoenix Bulbs now... Great Work

Thanks! You won't regret it!
I saw at the start of your build you were using 2 tunze 6100's and a return pump for flow. Are you still using that same settup to move water???

Do you have corals mounted on your back glass?

LOL, nope, all corals in the back row are mounted on rocks.

That Rommel's Rainbow is looking nice. There has been some serious growth since I last saw it.

Thanks dude! Hopefully it will color up. Its in really intense light so I suspect its good for growth but may not show the reds as well.

I saw at the start of your build you were using 2 tunze 6100's and a return pump for flow. Are you still using that same settup to move water???

Flow has been upgraded. I am current running 2 x 6100, 2 x 6105 and 1 x 6125. Total flow (not including the return pump) is somewhere around 15,000gph. However, I am running them on a controller so its not quite that intense at any given time.
Just took the time to read the whole post. Beautiful Tank!!!! I really love your color combination. I am also looking to add the 2 VHO 454 and remove my 2 super actinic VHO. Do you think that the 454 made a difference
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Just took the time to read the whole post. Beautiful Tank!!!! I really love your color combination. I am also looking to add the 2 VHO 454 and remove my 2 super actinic VHO. Do you think that the 454 made a difference

Thanks! That's a tough question. I run 4 x 454 and 2 x Actinics. If I turn one off, there is a noticeable difference. However, if I had to choose one or the other, I think I would run the 454's.
So far so good. I lowered the rack for the last time over the weekend to its normal height. The spread is noticeably better, especially on the ends of the tank. I'll try and post pics tomorrow.
Not much going on lately.

Had a pencil urchin decide to devour a branch on my stag. He's been relegated to my nem tank.


Here's an updated FTS. Still playing around with my photo skills.


Have some new corals on order. They should arrive on Thursday...
Wow, Serpent. I havent been on this site in a few months, and was always following your tank, since I liked the dimensions. The transformation/growth is amazing. Awesome tank...