Show me your German Blue Polyp Acropora!

I have great green coloration and real good pe but my polyps are not blue. They use to be blue mainly just on the tips but lately they are pretty much brown with no blue coloration at all. Any ideas what this might b caused by.
Just found this thread. I get my frag of German Blue this Friday. I hope it looks as great as yalls.
I have a decent size that has survied several tank mishaps and a few frags. It has been pretty bleached sense I upgraded tanks 6 months ago.
what seems to be the going price on frags of this coral. i might be cutting some for a swap in sept and would like to know how to price them on fragswapper.
Since it's almost impossible to get it, I would ask for $50 for 3/4" at a minimum.
wow did I ever cheat myself at the last frag swap. I sold some really nice pieces at an inch plus for $25.
Well, if it's growing that fast for you that's cool. This is not a fast grower and S&D will keep the price high. I've had my colony for three years now...not a fast grower but the color is unlike anything i've ever seen.

Mine is doing great still. It's in the video at 25 seconds in. It survived the move from Georgia to Texas about a month ago and held it's wonderful deep green.

Mine still looks weird in my tank :rolleyes:
Updated shot. My deep earth drill bit is actually growing pretty fast, all things considered. Moved it onto the rocks, and it's doing well. And yes, the crab is that big, and the frag is that small. :D


For a little frame of reference, here's a shot (not the best picture) of it when I first got it 5 months ago.

SDguy, great colony. Love the color and the growth pattern.

phenom5, that's good growth in 5 months. Nice colors also. Did you buy that frag? If yes, how much did you pay?

Lets all work together to bring this bad boy back! If you have it it's not common so take extra care of it. If you frag and sell please make sure the new owner has the understanding of SPS and what they are buying.

If it sounds like I have an attachment to this coral, I do. This was my first SPS and it's been through a lot but it's still kicking and growing great. I love the green color it produces (nothing else like it) and the smooth growth pattern.

Thanks for the pics! Keep them updated here please.

SDguy, great colony. Love the color and the growth pattern.

Lets all work together to bring this bad boy back! If you have it it's not common so take extra care of it. If you frag and sell please make sure the new owner has the understanding of SPS and what they are buying.

If it sounds like I have an attachment to this coral, I do. This was my first SPS and it's been through a lot but it's still kicking and growing great. I love the green color it produces (nothing else like it) and the smooth growth pattern.

Thanks for the pics! Keep them updated here please.


Thanks, but I wish it looked more like everyone else's :)
phenom5, that's good growth in 5 months. Nice colors also. Did you buy that frag? If yes, how much did you pay?

Yeah, I bought it. I got it in an SPS pack from an RC member. I think I got it for ~$17 (avg. price per frag in the frag pack).
hey phenom5 frag looks good.

i supose i'll have to get a pic of my nice juicy colony up here one of there days. My camera sucks and it's in a hard spot to photogragh as well.
Wish I had a colony of this, heres my frag I got from rtbm, seems to be a fast grower, encrusting nicely.
