Show off your Ritteri (H. magnifica)

OK I was cleaning GHA today... did a lot too..

I think the ritteri did fine and tried to stay out of the way.

After I was done I did a water change and then left the tank alone for about 2 hours before I was going to feed everything.

This is what I walk up to.

Pooping in a clean tank.

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Switch to HD and look at the smokey water coming out. It looks just like the stuff I feed the zoa's after the liquid came out the clowns helped get out the more compact stuff.

If you watch the clowns it is like they are swimming through it like a sent trail or something.

I guess it is happy that I feed it regularly.
How large of systems are you guys running? I have a 120 and have thought about trying a Ritteri, but I think my tank is likely too small.
I have a 180 w 40 sump... going to tie in a 120 with a 50 sump with it as one column of water.
OK Was playing with a new camera and took this.

It is best viewed in HD and fullscreen.

What do you think? Both about the ritteri and the image from the camera.

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How close can you get Mr Tang??

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Ohh the clowns have pushed the tang out of it before too... They love to play together.. I think the clowns dont want to see the tang eaten. HAHAHAHA (otherwise they would be pushing it into it)


With a close inhabitant:

I can never get a chance to see under it. It keeps that entire shelf covered.

I see it has some ritteri eggs there it is hiding.
Here is the only decent pic I have of it right now as I finally feel comfortable enough to post a pic. It was added 3 mar 2013. It has never deflated (knock on wood) and is probably 8-9 inches.

There are two occy's in there but the one that is in the nem won't let the other in yet which is weird because they are both pretty small. Oh and both occy's are captive bred and dove straight into them nem after being released.
OK so I have some new video I forgot to put in here.

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Realized I had not posted a shot of my now 2 month old Mag. Remedied!

Had been trying to find a red-based Mag, but never did. Then got the opportunity to buy this fellow that had already, presumably, been tank acclimated. Did subsequently have to treat it with cipro, with good results as the photo shows.