Show off your Ritteri (H. magnifica)


Love the pair of white-tailed chrysopterus clown!!! Have been a favorite clown of mine forever but could never keep them alive for more than months......brook magnets.
good picture of warfare in action. Plerogyra is a heavyweight! Note how the mag's tentacles are shorter where it's reaching towards the bubble coral. (Plerogyra sends out stinging tentacles at night.)
How long has that gorg been there? IME mag's sting can dissolve Gorgonian flesh.
You can see mine on the right hand side. 11 years now and still going strong.

What do you feed your ritteri and how often?

I dont feed mine, I haven't done for years. I feed the fish frozen brine and mysis and the anemone gets what it can grab before the fish finish it all.

Gary, the gorg and the nem have been quite close for a few years now. Fortunately, the nem doesnt move about much.
some pics:




Shot a little video as well.

wow. nice mag. those clowns are absolutely beautiful. If you don't mind, What kind are they and where did you get them? the combination of the mag and the clowns is stunning.
thanks in advance for the information
Here's my mag. I've been looking for a purple based one for forever now but this one is nice too.


Where did you get yours? I want one just like that
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Here's my mag. I've been looking for a purple based one for forever now but this one is nice too.

Where did you get yours? I want one just like that

Go look at LiveAquaria. Search for Ritteri specifically for:

SW - Ritteri Anemone (Sri Lanka)

The Sri Lanka ones are the purple based ones.

On there there is a link to "email me when in stock". Click on it and when you get the e-mail be ready to confirm and order it, as there are others that are subscribed too.

The one I got in Sep was perfect and very happy. Straight out of the box, sticky and spread out. No bleaching or issues. Normal expelling of the old water for about a week. I had it under LED only with no problems.
Here are some updated pictures.





Sorry for the deep blue:
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I think I have to stop direct feeding of my Mag. It's grown quite a bit in just over one month - either that or it's just expanding more. Am concerned that its going to feel the glass sides and get ideas for a road trip.

Lets see a picture.

I worry about mine sometimes. If you look at some of my time-lapse movies you will see how far out it stretches.

Lets see a picture.

I worry about mine sometimes. If you look at some of my time-lapse movies you will see how far out it stretches.

Well, OK, after taking this picture it IS bigger, but perhaps not as much growth as I had thought.

Regardless, continuing to look very healthy.
i have a magnifica anemone that has been in the tank almost a year - the remaining pair of percs host it.

here it is shortly after adding it to the tank


at about the 8 month mark, i almost lost it to a mini tank crash - large tangs dug up part of the dsb. it was so bad that i thought it may be splitting like the bubble tip did at the same time. it lost all of its tentacles and its mouth stretched from one edge to the other of its oral disk.

after some tense time and some near constant feeding of tiny meals, it is well on the way to recovery.

here it is now that the clowns have moved back in


and a video from today

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Very nice.. I really like the video.

They all look happy. Glad you recovered.

Are the trouble makers still with you??

I think I will set up my camera tonight and do a Ritteri vid and post it tomorrow.

WAIT.. What was that I saw at the end of the video?? On the right??
I took a FTS time lapse today. I will post it up here in a bit, once it finishes uploading.

I see a lot of people, lately, have gotten the bug. Any more new comers want to share?
Here is a crappy phone pic of my new mag. The color in the pic is way off he is really a light purple with yellow tips. I will try to get a better photo later but am having some troubles with my DSLR.