Show off your T5 run (non Zeovit + similar) SPS tank please

12 x 54watt T5's (DIY unit)


This is so awesome! Very well done man.
Hi, here mine. Fitoplanckton everynight (Easyreef), water changes 2*month with seawater, calcium reactor, superreef octopus skimmer, 6*24w T5 ATI/KZ and no more!





Nelcadiz: thats a beautiful tank. :thumbsup:

Can you tell us the combination of T5 tubes you are using front to back?

Also, more SPS coral shots would be nice. I can see that your SPS have very good colour. :thumbsup:
Hmmm is it just me or is the ati sunpower or ati powermodule units seeming to be trending in the good looking tanks in this thread? I use 2 ai sol blue led's atm but its making me wanna go back t5.
Hmmm is it just me or is the ati sunpower or ati powermodule units seeming to be trending in the good looking tanks in this thread? I use 2 ai sol blue led's atm but its making me wanna go back t5.

been there...done that.

now im happy running the sunpower.
How often do you replace the sunpower bulbs? I had a tek lite and the bulbs didnt last as long in it because it wasnt cooled as well as the sunpower. It actually doesnt have a fan on it at all.
i replace my bulbs every 10 mths but could prolly get a couple more out of them but I err on the side of caution.
On my tek light i would notice the bulbs dimming down a good amount at around 6 months of use. I am just trying to justify selling a 1k light system to get back into the t5. I must admit the t5 i had on my 20 long sps tank grew the Shi**** outta some coral and now the leds are only working on a select few.... idk what i should do.
I have a tek and ati with the same bulbs put in at the same time. Not only does the ati put out twice the light as the tek with the same bulbs but the bulbs in the tek start looking black at the ends very soon after being replaced and the ati bulbs still look like new.
Bump! I know there are loads to people moving over the LED's, but there mst of quite a few T5 users still out there. Post your tank photos!