This is all I was really asking though appreciate the other info.
Teesquare don't be too quick to take things personally or you'll find yourself upset a lot on the forums.
:lolspin: Thanks for your interest, I can assure you, I did not take it personal - I just found your phrasing to sound rude and arrogant. I don't think that is how you intended to sound, and I hope you find a way to soften your approach to others a bit, so that you get as much response to your questions as you want - And - my apology for saying it that plain, but I tried teasing you a bit about it the first time - and it did not reach the target....I am sure it is just your "style" of saying/typing things. What I should have said would be, "I think
anyone would be crazy to rely on a return pump for of their flow." And it would seem most hear would agree with that.
Sorry - but, you will find - after more time on this forum, that all of us are in fact entitled to an opinion. And it may or may not agree with yours. I - for one believe in high flow. In both the pump choice and the sump design. And it is only because I have plumbed many tanks over my 30 years in this hobby, and tried it every concievable way. However - that does not it is the only choice - nor is it the right choice for every situation. But I also would not dare to call anyone crazy for using a different approach.
That is why my comment to you about being more open-minded. We really can't learn anything - if we are already convinced that we know it all, can we? I certainly do not want you to think I am bashing you. I genuinely enjoy participation in many aspects of RC. And I hope you find this site as helpful in your continuing education as I have. If I had approached this thread as convinved that I knew all I needed about plumbing ( I have plumbed over 500 systems at this point) then - I would have scoffed at Bean' and Unc's advice - and never tried this method. And - now that I have, I can assure you, it is a leap forward in keeping debris in suspension long enough to be dealt with by the flow, and removed from the tank. It runs near silent. I have never been able to force the system to overflow the tank onto the floor. And - if you look at my build thread about this most recent tank - you will see tha I tested it thorughly, trying to make it screw up. It did not.
Bottom line for me here is - I try to be open to learn, and I think you will benefit from this forum more - if your questions are phrased a bit more friendly, and not sounding like you are stating that others are crazy if they don't agree with you.:thumbsup:
The tank has managed to stay heated enough over the course of a year with probably about half the amount of flow I am going to put through it. So aside from getting into the laws of thermodynamics and relying on some formulas to figure out if the flow rate by the heaters would be enough.
And - you could be helpful to all of us by sharing anything you find like this. I have never really found it to be a problem, but - I would like to have a chart that is based on science Sounds like you have access to some. If it worked before with a flow rate twice as fast it will work as well. I can tell you I doubt you'll find a media reactor that would suggest running more than 1000gph through carbon or phosphate removing media.
And you are right, but I don't understand why that is the same as your original pump question. I use a powerhead for my reactors. The skimmer I have not yet finalized on, but there is no such thing as a skimmer that removes 100% of the proteins the first run through
True! or as many times as you want to run the tank volume thru it for that matter. There is a very interesting set of articles on thissubject in Reefkeeping magazine - on line - by Ken Feldman. I don't know that I agree with all of it, or that the test perameters are what I would like to see, but- it is the first very detailed test data I have seen. I think he says 20-30 percent of organics is what we can expect to remove via skimming, so I doubt it would hurt to have a skimmer pulling more into and out of the sump then is going through the display.
If I understand correctly - once again -I agree with you, in that I think it is better to slightly oversize the skimmer -vs- undersize.
I just wanted to make sure someone else ran through the calculations I came up with and I wasn't missing something. If I could safely push twice as many GPH through the 4 bulk heads in the bottom of the tank then I would.
I am not sure about what you mean. May I suggest that you click on BeanAnimal's name, and there you will find a link to his home page. I believe there are some charts which can help you determine flow capacities.