Do the bottom elbows of the plumbing have to be close to the bottom of the overflow box?
I am reworking my twin overflows and noticed that you used a 1/4 valve to tune the return. GREAT idea. I will modify my cap right after I do a water change today!
I have an external on my glass tank,the builder takes the back pane of glass and gets a notch cut with a water jet.My tank is 30x30x24(inches),the notch is about 15x1.5,centered in the back pane.Then the overflow box is siliconed on.With the Beananimal it's an awesome setupI wonder if anybody has ever used the suggestion that Beananimal made in his post nr 118 in this topic.
In the ideal world, there is no internal overflow box, all is external.
But to have all the benefits of the Calfo-weir, i think that a small internal overlflow box is almost unavoidable.
That is... if you do not cut the back pane of the aquarium to form a weir, and then mount a back mounted overflow box with the beananibal system overflow.
Are there examples ? Pictures ?
that design also does not really allow for surface skimming
...oh well, still fishing for a close to wall; small tank footprint overflow....
> replaced it with a T with a street 90. At the top port of the T I installed a John Guest adapted,
I'm confused, I thought the air above the last 90 in the siphon line was for cleaning or perhaps to break the siphon quicker on power loss?
will these two go full siphon at the same time? my guess is the T would take longer because it would hafta suck the air trapped in the upper T down to the sump before going full siphon.
I'm about to finalize my plumbing for my overflow system and pump. I'm planning on running flex PVC from my 3 drains down into my sump. Should I put any sort of filter sock over the end of the flex-PVC to keep larger material out of the skimmer chamber of my sump, or would that just unnecessarily increase the risk of a clog?
The drain pipe should be ~1" submerged in the sump, right?