Silent and Failsafe Overflow System

I have a 125g peninsula style with the overflow on the right side. The drain lines go straight down to the sump. The pipes in the overflow box are all straight with no elbows. Works like a charm. All pipes are 1" and I use this ...

to put over the siphon and open drains. It slips right over the pvc pipe.


THANK YOU for confirming this. Glad to see someone with first hand experience. Do you have a build thread?

Also, are the 1" pipes sufficient for your 125gal display? What gph/type of return pump do you use?
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I have 1" pipe on my 125g with a rio 17HF pump that is rated 1090GPH in the exit, don't know head lost but you can do the math, and it works like a charm.
absolutely you can make it work. I would probably use the 2" for the full siphon, the second 2" as a the partial, and the 1" as the emergency.

I would also use standpipes for the partial and emergency in the overflow. I would just put a strainer in the full siphon and leave it at the bottom, no chance of air being sucked in that far down. Raising the partial overflow up toward the top will allow the water level to be higher reducing the noise from the water falling down into the overflow.

So just use straight pipes and not with the tee and rounded 90?

If use the hybrid dart (assuming I found the right chart) at 5 feet of head it will pump 2850 gallons per hours. According to the BeanAnimal flow rate calculator a inch pipe (1 inch pipes are actually slightly less) will ony flow 2636 gallons per hour.

So if you had a complete blockage of the siphon and open you could end up with a flood. Unlikely, but I would recommend more head for the pump, more vertical height for the siphon, or choke back the pump. maybe a combination of all three.

I will be using 2" drains to the sump. Here is an idea sketch I did using a new overflow.
THANK YOU for confirming this. Glad to see someone with first hand experience. Do you have a build thread?

Also, are the 1" pipes sufficient for your 125gal display? What gph/type of return pump do you use?

Sorry, no build thread

The 1" pipe is more than adequate with my flow rate of about 1250gph. Actually, the gate valve is about half way closed so I have room for a lot more.
What's the rule of thumb on how close to space holes? The picture above has a lot in a small space imo, but I don't know for sure. Just looking out.
Hello Bean! I'm thoroughly impressed with this setup and have seen just how quiet it is. My question would be that I am setting up a 20H tank with a 10 gallon sump and was wondering if 1" piping would be too large. Would I be able to scale it down to 3/4 or should I leave it at 1" ?
I just a 475+ gallon tank and I want to convert it to a Bean Animal overflow. Here is a current picture of the overflow. It is a center overflow. Here is a picture of the tank.

Here is a picture of the center overflow.

It currently has 2 ea 2" drains and 2 ea 1" returns. Can it be done? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Love the tank.

Raffle grabber
why wont anyone comment, its a you tube vid of a bean overflow. the main syphon elbow is down turned and the emergency and partial syphons are upturned.

what is the question? it clearly works. Depending on the amount of flow you have, you may need to turn the 2nd elbow down to reduce noise if your running high turnover rates, and have too much water going through the second one.
Hello, I plan on an end bean animal and am using 3/4" bulkheads. Can I run 3/4 the hole way on the drain or should I up it to 1", or dosen't it matter. Tank is a 20 long.
