Here's the system I just set up.
The return pump is a Reefflo Dart with a 5 foot vertical 1.5" return line into a 6 foot plenum tapped with 12 outlets and 20 jets, so there should not be a great amount of head loss. I'm expecting about 3000 GPH (that's what the weir is rated for). The drain head is about 48" from tank water level to sump water level, according to Bean's calculator the 1.5" drain line can handle over 5000 GPH. I guess I could have gone with 1.25" plumbing, but oh well. Gotta put the Cepex valve to work, right? I will probably add a strainer so that'll cut the drain flow down a bit.
This is all 1.5" plumbing. From the returns down is solvent welded. I still have to add extensions into the sump. The water level with pump off in the intake section will be 6" (12" tall sump) and operating level will rise up approximately 1.5-2", so I was going to terminate all lines at 1" above power-off waterline (per the BeanAnimal site original design suggestion)
I was planning on just doing friction fit with the standpipes in the overflow box as everything is pretty tight, but I also have Teflon paste. Is that stuff reef safe to use on submerged fittings? If not, I can solvent weld everything except the vertical section of pipe between the bulkhead and the 90 on the siphon and tee on the open channel.
The standpipes in the box are not shown in their final positions. I will likely lower the siphon down as far as possible, and raise the emergency standpipe so that it is just above the maximum tank water line. My question is regarding the height of the open channel.
I was planning on positioning it such that the centerline of the horizontal section of the open channel pipe is about even with the bottom of the notch in the end of the tank. My thought on this being that the water level in the box will be slightly lower than the tank water level. The notch is 1.5" and should run about 3000 GPH at 3/4" above the notch. Is this just something that is going to take some experimentation to get right, or can I plan ahead to a certain point?
I have dreamed of running one of these system ever since I came across this thread...thanks ahead of time!!!
PS I haven't secured the plumbing yet - that will also be done.