I'm about to order a 60"T * 30"D * 25"T 1/2" thick glass (195g) tank with an internal overflow. Eurobraced dropped 1/2" down, plus most likely two support braces from front to back.
I like the dimensions, very much like the tanks I build, wide and shallow, 200 to 300 gallons.
I would prefer to run an almost coast to coast. Leaving just enough free room at the end to put bulkheads on the back panel for the returns.
There is no problem with that, just a shorter weir. You will lose in the neighborhood of 8" of length for two 1" bulkheads.
Is there a certain dimension size I should request (Tall and Deep) for the overflow?
Depends on the size of the plumbing. If using 1.5" plumbing, the holes will be 2 3/8" in diameter, and a minimum of 2 3/8" down to the top of the holes, from the top edge of the glass. Then adding the size of the elbow, down to 1" below the elbow, less the 1" at the top, gives you the dimension for the height of the overflow. Width needs to be wide enough to get your hand in to work, and turn the elbows, generally around 4" front to back inside dimension. Safe guess with 1.5" plumbing is 6" height x 4" width. But it depends on where they pop the holes.
Is there a limit on how much return(s) and size I can run? I was thinking about 2 1" but was wondering if it could still handle more?
Size of the returns, really depends on the pump, and the friction loss of the system you design, and the flow rate you are looking for. In general, a single, rather than dual return, will give you better flow, less friction loss. It is a complex subject. The drain system at 1.5" all the way down, can handle more flow than you will probably care to throw at it.
Also is there a reason you have to go from 1 1/2" to 1" to 1 1/4" on the piping going into the overflow? Is there any reason to not just make it 1 1/2" all the way?
The reason BeanAnimal used 1" bulkheads, was because they were already installed in the tank when he designed the drain system. No reason for changing the pipe sizes, in various parts of the system, 1 size all the way.