Been searching for a bit, but havent found the recipe for overflow box sizing.
Plan on running 700-800gph through the box and was curious on the min length for the overflow box to keep the siphon channel fully submerged.
Everything is planned excluding my box, just waiting on some help on dimensions to allow proper flow.
Be an animal-
Your insight to the hobby is amazing. Thank you for being the animal you are!
It is really far simpler, the little calculator on the home page of RC? It is close enough, if you figure no teeth, double the length if you use teeth. 12" minimum for the overflow length for 800 gph. See below.
Keeping the siphon submerged is a relatively uncomplicated thing. It does not take weir calcs, or any fluid dynamics really. This system is adjusted by a valve in the siphon line. By closing the valve, the water level in the overflow rises. The system is adjusted to the point that water just flows in the open channel. So regardless of the flow rate, and weir length, the siphon will remain submerged.
The length of the weir comes into the mix when we consider surface skimming, and the water level as it goes over the weir. Too short, and the water piles up. Teeth cause the same condition.
The higher the water level as it goes over the weir (1/2" above compared to 3/8" or 1/8",) the less surface skimming there will be. This is because the velocity of the flow is higher the closer you get to the weir itself. (*Still waters run deep*) Although the surface water will go over the weir, more subsurface water is flowing, and less surface water--increasing the time it takes for the surface water to be removed (this is where the organics are.) So the thinner the waterfall the better the surface skimming, and the longer the weir, the thinner the waterfall, at a given flow rate.
Ultimately, for any given tank size, and any given flow rate, the ideal system will have a full length weir--end to end, or Coast to Coast as it is called. With the possible exception of a zero edge aquarium......