well things have changed and now I can do all 3 with 1-1/2" should I do this on keep the siphon at the 1" pipe size? also can you turn the tee on an angle or does it have to be straight up?
The open channel should always be the largest diamter, followed by the emergency, as the emergency MUST be able to carry the full system flow. In most cases, the 1" will be sufficient to handle the full flow (under siphon) of the return pump. If it is NOT, then there really is no place for 1" in the system.
In the scenario where the system only has modest flow, the siphon valve may be closed significantly, and in this case the 1" emergency is likely enough. That said, it still makes more sense to dedicate the smaller standpipe to the siphon and the larger to the emergency.
Remember, this design was published as a ONE SIZE fits all system that can be used AS IS to accomodate just about ANY size tank. In that spirit, some of the parameters leave a lot of headroom on smaller systems.
A slight cant (lean) and/or a 45 bend or two in the OC will help to keep the water from dropping and splashing. Horizontal runs can create issues where the water backups and and causes pulsation and gurgling. It may or may not, but again (as we keep mentioning) the original plan does not account for such variables. When you introduce them, you will have to make adjustments to keep the system working as expected. For most folks, this means a noisy system and complaints that the design does not work...