Hi RC, first post here.
First things first, my experience at reef keeping so far is pretty short, and hasn't been very successful. I ran a 15g with a 10g sump, with very minimal equipment (too minimal) and my complete lack of first-hand knowledge in the hobby led me to design a very inefficient system (both in terms of filtration and maintenance) that died a quick death once I started school - 35 yo and just started school again in January, which takes up roughly 60 hours of my time weekly.
I learned a lot from my mistakes though, and I want to use my summer off to start working on a more efficient system. I could go on and on about what I have planned, but most of it is not relevant to this thread. My main question at this point is:
Do you recommend using the BeanAnimal overflow design for a 30g breeder (36"x16"x12") with 20g long sump? I skimmed through a large portion of the thread, and everything I read so far relates to 50g and up DTs.
If using this design is recommended for a system this small, here's a few follow-up questions"¦
Should I downsize the pipes to ¾"?
Does it defeat the purpose of a coast to coast overflow to build one on the side of the tank, instead of the back? And is this siphon design well suited for a side coast to coast?
Thanks in advance!
Welcome to RC.
First, perhaps it would help if you understood that tanks under 40 gallons are not a good starting point for this hobby. Things change very fast, (bad things) and small tanks take that change harder than larger tanks. It is a question of stability; smaller tanks have always been considered "advanced level." The only thing that has changed with that, is the advent of the internet, however, they should still be considered "advanced level."
40 breeder is an excellent starter tank, and for many marine critters it is the smallest tank they can be kept in. 60 gallon tank is a better starting point. The 40 has been considered, since I first entered into the hobby, the smallest practical tank for marine systems. Picos and Nanos being a unique niche within the hobby.
In terms of the drain system, this design is suitable from pico sized tanks all the way up to the monster 500, 1000, and beyond sized tanks. It is adaptable using pipe size changes. At a minimum, 1" is the smallest pipe you should use. Plug risk is just one reason smaller is not a good idea. 1" pipe will take you up into tanks of ~ 120 gallons, with larger tanks, the pipe size really needs to increase. These sizes are for siphon systems only, and have no correlation with "Durso" or other "open channel" drain systems.
As far as end vs back, it is a question of efficiency. The longer the "weir" (or overflow) the more efficient the surface skimming, and in most cases, the quieter the system will be. Surface skimming is the main function of an overflow, therefore this should figure heavily in what you decide to do.
In terms of function both work, with this system.