You said you run the wiers one inch below the top edge on rimless tanks. You also said to drill 2-3/4" from the top edge. My tank has the plastic rim. Does all that still apply?
It appears you have a horizontal run in addition to the 45 on the open channel and siphon line. That can cause issues.
Normally the siphon channel and open channel take water initially with the siphon picking up more flow as air is purged from the lines until flow down the open channel slows to a trickle. Depending on the flow and drain sizes the emergency may be triggered before the system stabilizes, which can take several minutes.
Does all three drains have to be the same size or could I have the full siphon 1.5" and the other two 1" or even 3/4"? I may have to save some space in my overflow.
Is there any problem with using flex line from the bottom of my shut off's to the sump?
-- Getting ready to drill --- double checking layout ---
I originally posted my tank info, layout, and questions on page 238 & 234 starting at post #5824 and am now ready to drill for 2" sch80 bulkheads.
My questions are:
1) Have I correctly determined the tank and overflow water levels?
2) Did I leave enough "headroom" at the top of the tank?
3) Should I move the holes up or down?
4) Did I place the holes correctly to allow for proper operation and more importantly safe drilling?
5) Is the internal coast-to-coast overflow box properly sized?
6) Did I miss anything in regards to layout, sizing, placement?
I did not show/display but do have the proper external plumbing to connect to the bulkheads and in tank fittings
Thank you in advance!! Your help has been invaluable!
Hi Doug. As I wrote in my post, I know in general, that one inch is about 25mm. My issue is that the definition of a standard 1"bulkhead which most people use in this thread doesn't seem to translate to a 25mm bulkhead sold here in Germany. That's why I'm asking for the exact measurements in mm of the 1" bulkhead used by bean animal.
1"= 25mm