Again, this comes down to the design, configuration, and assembly of the system.
During startup, the dry emergency usually kicks in, however if the open channel is taking significant flow, there is something wrong with the design.
I guess I'm curious on the open channel, what constitutes significant flow. Doesn't the open channel which is not at full syphon always have air mixing with it and therefor always producing air bubbles at it's exit to the sump? I ask because I just finished plumbing mine and can't seem to get a full syphon on my primary drain line either. When I read thru this entire thread, I surmised that the three drilled holes were supposed to be the same height. Then later on I read the open channel should be a little higher so the main channel will achieve full syphon. Frankly, I'm confused. The holes are drilled, and the tank is plumbed. I feel this guys pain. It is what it is at this point for me, which unfortunately is not a bubble free main line. Am I bummed? Yes. Can I fix it? Don't know how at this point. What I am going to try is siliconing every pvc joint, with the exception of the unions. You would think if air is able to get in, water would be able to leak out!! My system is not leaking.