Silent and Failsafe Overflow System

Again, this comes down to the design, configuration, and assembly of the system.

During startup, the dry emergency usually kicks in, however if the open channel is taking significant flow, there is something wrong with the design.

I guess I'm curious on the open channel, what constitutes significant flow. Doesn't the open channel which is not at full syphon always have air mixing with it and therefor always producing air bubbles at it's exit to the sump? I ask because I just finished plumbing mine and can't seem to get a full syphon on my primary drain line either. When I read thru this entire thread, I surmised that the three drilled holes were supposed to be the same height. Then later on I read the open channel should be a little higher so the main channel will achieve full syphon. Frankly, I'm confused. The holes are drilled, and the tank is plumbed. I feel this guys pain. It is what it is at this point for me, which unfortunately is not a bubble free main line. Am I bummed? Yes. Can I fix it? Don't know how at this point. What I am going to try is siliconing every pvc joint, with the exception of the unions. You would think if air is able to get in, water would be able to leak out!! My system is not leaking.
i dont think baffles are really the problem. when you get home post some pics of your sump. open up your siphon some more and try to get the tank adjusted. then we all can help you adjust baffles as needed. Your pump section would have to be real small in comparison to the volume of water to really be a problem with running. you will have to top off more often, but the system here willl work.
You would think if air is able to get in, water would be able to leak out!! My system is not leaking.

air is considerably less dense than water. it will always find a way. siphon and oc can be the same height. the airline will prevent oc from achieving siphon. your ok
Well I came home and added 15 more gallons to my sump and it did the trick. She is working fine but I still have a good bit of noise coming from my overflow box. Is that normal?
Also can I have too much flow through the sump? Right now my reef Flo super dart gold is wide open and its pushing a lot of flow through my sump. Should I turn it down some? This is a 350g fowlr and I don't want to beat my smaller fish up too bad.
Open channel inlet too low in the system, relative to the siphon and dry emergency. Open channel air vent hose too low in the overflow, Siphon air locking (for numerous reasons stated recently above.) Faulty adjustment. It is unusual for the dry emergency not to take flow during start-up, perhaps it is too high...

Personally, I would fix the problem, before trying to up the flow rate. You may end up with unexpected results. At least, by a process of elimination, (detailed top to bottom analysis,) eliminate all possibilties other than the bulkhead size/flow rate issue, which is the only one upping the flow rate would possibly help, and that issue is only in the hypothesis stage. It is not reported often enough to justify a theory.

I know it is frustrating, when you stare at a problem for perhaps hours at a time, and do not arrive at a solution—and folks tell you it is a relatively simple problem to solve. It is though: the air isn't purging from the siphon. If you are closing the valve a great deal, try moving the valve down to just before the sump. Just a random idea...

Just so you know, upping the flow rate is not a bad idea, most systems are under-pumped anyway. There is enough redundancy in this system to prevent flooding, if the system is set up properly to begin with. However that part is still a question mark; just be careful. (If I can't touch it and run it, I don't know if it is right or wrong...)

excellent feedback thank you sir.

I will try for a different pump. I am not worried about flooding at all. the system is set up properly, it's not rocket science. I know the open channel inlet is not too low as it is slightly higher than the main siphon ( I assume you mean the actual hole in the glass of the aquarium). Not sure what you mean by the vent hose being too low? Do you mean at a level where the water in the over flow would cover the tube and create a full siphon? answer would be no there.

I will let you know how the system works with a new pump in a few days.

If this doesn't work then I have an air leak somewhere as that would be the only other possibility. Even though I have redone the plumbing 3 times now with same results. the only consistency is the pump.


Guys I'm looking to do a vertical BeanAnimal system, but I couldn't find any threaded Tee, or threaded cap in my country.
so instead i will use elbows. *Picture attached*

1- My question is will this setup work?
2- Can i replace the T (open channel - Middle) with two elbows and drill it to add air line? or should I use T with drilled cap?
3- Do the system need maintenance from time to time? (cleaning)

Thanks in advance.

Anyone? Will this work?
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It's just the waterfall Saunders from the water entering the box. Any way to silence that any? Also what about too much flow?

if you are hearing a waterfall over your weir the you are pushing too much water over it, or the fall is to great. ( also causing turbulence, and bubbles ) Either your overflow is to small, your pump is to big, or your drains are to low relative to your weir. You can try some mesh to break up the waterfall, but that is not really a solution. If you are hearing a waterfall. We could still use some pics to really tell you for sure.
Here is my overflow box, its 31 inches long. This is where my noise comes from. The water coming in is falling far and its loud. If I raise the water any more my open channel kicks in and lowers it for me.

Here are some pics of my sump. Its working good now!

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My situation is my overflow is small and getting 3 1/5" pvc tubes with 90s/Ts etc and there isnt enough room. I could screw in the fittings and then push the Ts/90s on manually, but I dont want to glue them in or they would be stuck forever (I dont have room to unscrew them). Any ideas for me or if that would be a big deal?
I am having a terrible time trying to pinpoint my micro bubble madness, hoping someone can point me in the right direction so I can begin diagnosing the problem.

On start up there are no micro bubbles but once the overflow begins to fill and start filling the sump its a ton of micro bubbles every where. I have been reading and trying different things for the past 2 days with no luck.

Help is greatly appreciated


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Do you have all your joints glued? It doesn't look let the joints in the picture are glued? If not, they can pull air. Does your water have to fall very far in your overflow? That can cause bubbles if so. But the way its micro bubbles, it seems like its pulling air from a small source with the way they are micro vs large bubbles.
Here is my overflow box, its 31 inches long. This is where my noise comes from. The water coming in is falling far and its loud. If I raise the water any more my open channel kicks in and lowers it for me.

Here are some pics of my sump. Its working good now!

Although this thread is about the drain system itself, rather than overflow issues, I will briefly address your overflow.

Cut the teeth out, the channeling caused by the teeth, is causing a portion if not the lions share of the noise. Teeth not only cause noise, they also reduce the effective length of the overflow by 1/2 - 2/3," which in turn affects the surface skimming ability. You may have a 31" long overflow, but you don' t have 31" of overflow. The only length that counts is the space between the teeth.

If you are having problems getting the water level in the overflow within an acceptable range, then the bulkheads are too low in the overflow, or there is some other configuration error. You only want around a 1" drop to the water level in the overflow, and that water level should be around the top of the down turned elbows.
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