I have been trying to find an answer to this and I am assuming either way would work but I heard from some people if I am using 1' Bulkheads which I am, then I should just use 1" pipe for the down piping and everything else. However the original bean animal diagram shows him using a 1" to 1.5" converter and using 1.5" piping. The overflow is only for a 40Breeder and won't require huge gph turnover.
1.) Does it matter which size piping I use with 1" bulkheads; 1" or 1.5"?
2.) What will be the difference between using 1" vs 1.5"?
Thank you!
Yes, it does matter based on your target flow rate... ...you do have a target flow rate in gph yes? It also can depend on the length of the drop. There are a lot of folks out there giving advice on this drain system based on hearsay, and nothing more...
The flow limiter is the bulkhead size, based on the "free fall" head height, e.g. without pipe. Adding pipe inserts the friction loss into the mix, and the larger the pipe size the less the friction loss will be.
Just using 24" drop for instance (numbers are memorized,) the "free fall flow" would be a theoretical 1669gph. In 1" pipe, 1200gph would not be unexpected. In 1.5" pipe ~1500gph could be expected.
That said, the larger the pipe size, the harder it will be for growth or other "FOD" to reduce the drains flow capacity. As designed used 1" bulkheads, and 1.5" pipe. The system works fine over a very wide bandwidth of flows, as designed.
I find it hard to believe you have not found this information in reading. It is posted in this thread and other threads hundreds of times, due to repetitive identical questions. The answer is not going to change, no matter how many times it gets asked.