Team RC
I've searched a while, although this is a pretty long thread. My question is: if you have an overflow on each end of your aquarium, can you set up two beananimal overflows or would the two siphons be too hard to set up reliably?
I'm getting a custom built 84"t ×30"h x24"w. We were talking of putting 2 holes in each side for drainage to the sump. Should I maybe get three per side? Can a run the system with two holes on one side and the third on the other.
I really like this design and want to use it, but from everything I've read, I'm convinced I need to have overflows on each side(which I don't mind doing). The tank will be built into a wall and views from both front and rear, so the overflows need to be on each ends.
Also any suggestions on what size holes to drill, I'd like to oversize and use gate valves so I'm not limited to flow whatsoever.
Any other tips will be welcomed.
Ps. I will be getting through this whole thread, but it may take a while.
From your description, it sounds like you want to keep overflows off the long walls of the tank for viewing purposes? I would agree, if you had a single 24" weir on one end that would be suboptimal.
Splitting a single Bean system between two sides doesn't work.
I've never heard of anyone doing dual Bean overflows. I suppose if you have 3 holes on each end and to separate weirs you could tune the Bean systems independently. The problem is that the tuning of each bean system is dependent on a relatively constant portion of the flow going over that side of the tank. The open channel alleviates this problem to a fair degree, so it may very well work. The other issue is that the two weirs need to be virtually exactly level with each other.
Try posting your question as a new thread to get suggestions from others who have similarly sized tanks.