Well, I need to chime in a little with some positive, negative and general statements from my finding for the mass public, just for the record. Oh, and a question for Bean.
First, thank you Bean, awesome idea and works out DEAD silent, but, with a few caveats.
1) I am thinking and maybe, just maybe 1 1/2 piping is too big for a 90 gallon tank. This is because no matter what I did, I could not get the sound of someone pouring water, in the open channel pipe, to go away........... for the time being....
2) Do NOT use a ball valve. They are the BIGGEST pain in the @$$ things to adjust, and, if that was not bad enough, you can not get precise with them, without spending a heck of an amount of time twisting back and forth, back and forth.
Now, to address 1 and 2 in dialog. I was all set to set and forget, hmm..... I spent all day sat twisting the ball valve knob back and forth, literally 6 hours, trying to get it precise. I twist to the right and it goes past my point of choice. Okay, I will twist it to the left then, right? Well, I ease the lever to the left, it does not budge. I twist a little harder and harder and harder. When I finally think I am going to break something, it lets lose and goes past my mark and right back the place it was before. Do this 20/30 times, it blows! Some will say to put grease on it. That would be fine I guess, but, eventually it will wear off? If you go to a different pump output or do like I do and branch off to the fuge or tune down the pump with a t, then you may need to adjust again and whoops, there you are. Do yourself a favor and get a gate valve, I wish I did. The extra $$ will be worth it, and, if you have to crank it 100 times to open or close, so be it. Just open it up all the way till it is slurping all the water, then close it until it stops and do your final adjusting.
Along comes Sunday morning, I was fresh, the day was early and I greeted the tank with surprising enthusiasm (I was so burnt the night before from messing with it for so long). I grabbed my soda (I am not much of a coffee drinker) and started to turn the ball valve knob. Surprisingly, it slipped right into place where I wanted it, with its usual momentary resistance cracking sound (another reason for the gate valve). Then, I noticed right away something was different, it got silent quickly. From fizzing, glucking and toilet flushing sounds to slow fizzing and then to silence, all in 1 minute! Then, all I heard was "hummmmmmmmmmmmmm", from the pump, that was all!? I almost choked on my coke in excitement it was so silent. In fact, there was not even a sound of a trickle of water! I was unwary of the fact that it was so silent, I thought it was a fluke, so, I checked out all water levels, looked things over and then stopped the pump. I let everything drain and restarted. It was.....dead silent! I restarted the pump 3 more times to make sure, and eureka
I DID IT!!! . Well, Bean actually did it, I was just the laborer.
The last thing I noticed, is there is NO water coming from the open channel? This is why I am wondering if 1 1/2 is too big for a 90g. It was not dead silent until i had ALL the flow going into the siphon. I know the open channel is supposed to be extra drainage, but, no matter how small the flow of water in the open channel, even if it was a trickle, it sounded horrible! The ONLY way it was "dead" silent is if there was NO water in the open channel. Also, even a small amount of water produced tiny fizzy bubbles in the open channel. I would need to do some more experimenting with that hole bean was talking about to see if that stopped the bubbles, but, I know that at a medium flow, it does not. I tested it that much with a 1/8 drill bit.
P.S. Bean, would one be better using a regular sanitary T rather than a street T on the open channel? I ask this because when I look into the open channel, when it was draining quite a bit at the time, I noticed the water would channel down the curve and straight into the middle of the pipe. This would in turn also give it a lot of velocity and make it sound like the toilet flushing. I was thinking that a regular T may not stop it, but, it would help keep the velocity down, and, instead of the water falling perfectly in the middle of the tube, it would tend to cling to the sides more. Now, albeit, also, I could have just way too much water in the open channel at that time, but I still think, enough to comment on it that a regular T might be a more viable option. Only problem is, I have no proof or data to back it up, lol.
So, take the info for what it is worth, I hope I shed a little light on the subject
. Those that have 1 1/2 all the way through, let me/us know how you have yours setup and how quiet it is.
Again though, thanks Bean, its awsome!!