Silent and Failsafe Overflow System

I was willing to believe you were right before Bean, but I had trouble figuring out why - so thank you for explaining it.

It is blatantly obvious once somebody explains it, or you see first hand. It is one of those things that is not so obvious when you have never installed a bulkhead and are holding the dry parts in your hand. Most people are like "doh! I shoulda know better!" :)
Yeah, no bulkhead in hand and the last one I installed was 14 or 15 years ago. :) Thanks again and for all your help to everyone - incase you don't get enough thanks
BeanAnimal I have read this thread as much as i could and I have a question.
I recently got a tank with two 1.5' holes drileed for a glass-box overflow.
I have the tank running and I am not happy with the amount of flow that I am limited to. My pump is exceeding the overflow so i have to dial down the pump so I don't over flow my tank.
Is there a way for me to modify what I have for our system somehow?
Here is what i have.

And the glass-holes box that I got is this one.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

What size pump and how are the standpipes configured? Looks like dursos or some kind of air assisted siphon? Are you willing to drill a third hole?
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It's been a long time since I posted in this thread asking questions. My fail safe overflow has been running about 6 months now. It took a little while getting it dialed in, but now that it is, it works just as advertised.
Thanks BeanAnimal.
What size pump and how are the standpipes configured? Looks like dursos or some kind of air assisted siphon? Are you willing to drill a third hole?

It is a Reeflo Dart and the inside box only has enough room for the bulkhead.
Yes it has two tubes that are allowing in air.

Can you cover one of the air tubs to turn it into a siphon (full drain only water) and then see if it will take the full flow of your pump. If it does than some option are available, if not there may still be something to do.
Click here: Oxford English Dictionary Got 'Siphon' Definition Wrong for 99 Years - AOL News. thought this was interesting, highlite and copy it to your web brouser.


Can you cover one of the air tubs to turn it into a siphon (full drain only water) and then see if it will take the full flow of your pump. If it does than some option are available, if not there may still be something to do.

I will do that when i get home tonight. I will keep you posted.
And here we have had it right all along! How many times have we talked about gravity pulling the water through the standpipe (or water falling through the standpipe beacuase gravity is pulling on it) to drive the siphon. Notice that in the Bernoulli Equation that we are using to calculate best case flow, that GRAVITY (32 feet per second, squared) is the constant we use :)|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link3|[/url] I sure am not a tech geek, so you will have to copy and paste this to your browser, hope it works for you.

Can you block the second drain? I full drain (no air) should support a lot more flow. The problem is that to create the siphon you may not have enough water in your tank. If the siphon can take the full load of the pump. Then you could use the second drain as either open or emergency. Not a true bean, but perhaps better/safer than you have now.