Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Good afternoon Guys,

We had the nastiest sand storm last night that i coudn't see anything even my own hand. Took me 2 hours to find my sleeping area normally took 10 mins. This morning when i woke up my lung hurt so bad it feel like i just finish smoking 2 packs of cigs back to back. Many of my Marines show up at work with bruises and cut by either busting their behind into the ditch or walk into barb wire. BTW, this is their storm season so more to come. I will try to take some picture so you have an idea.

Did you ever make SSgt., I heard you did and if so congrats. I def dont miss the desert, but I am sure you dont go to the same places we do. Stay safe and return soon so you can start that tank again. Missing the updates....
Demonic, thank you I got promoted on May 1 by the Commanding General. I took some picture but i can't get access to my photo bucket here so i have to send it to my friend in the other forum to post it up. I hope one of them see this thread and will post the pic here as well.

I don't mind the desert, i don't mind the heat but the sand storm is something else. The living condition in Iraq and Afghanistan nowadays are much better compare to 2003 when we first send troops over. I have no complain, i am glad to be here even though i miss my family but this is what Marine do.

" We train, we deploy and the favorite part we love to fight"

The only part that get to me the most is sending "Fallen Angel" home. I hate fighting against coward...
...I got promoted on May 1 by the Commanding General. I took some picture but i can't get access to my photo bucket here so i have to send it to my friend in the other forum to post it up. I hope one of them see this thread and will post the pic here as well...
Here you go meng (sorry I didn't get them all):



Huge congrats and Hooah (or, "ooh-rah" to translate it in Marine parlance) to you Staff Sergeant, from another Staff Sergeant in Baghdad. Stay safe, keep your head down, and when we're both back Stateside we'll have to meet up for some beers to swap lies, er, "tales" about time downrange and reef stuff, too.

- SSG A.J. Merrifield
Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq

Its great to hear from you and relieved to hear you are well. Keep it that way! Are you still planning on coming back this month?
Guys, i am still alive and in one piece of course. I am currently in New Orleans, Louisiana and will be stuck here for another 2 years before i can ask for another move. Anyhow, i have decided to let go of my tank and all the equipment so i post it craigslist today hopefully i can get them out of my garage and into a good hand. I love the tank and all the equipments. but future don't look too good for me consider i have two kids and soon we may looking into purchasing a house. I will get back into the hobby just don't know when. I will stop by once in a while to check in and see how you all doing. Take care....
Oh forgot to mention, I finally met Bart (Cbui) and his huge system. I am currently working on rebuild his system hopefully y'all get to see some picture soon.
Good to here from you Steve! You should list your stuff in the So. Cal. Forum first!

Good luck with finding a home for everyone.
Ken, how are you doing? I don't have any more live stock. Just equipment and the tank. I don't log on here often plus i travel a lot in the past year. If i receive an email from craigslist i just forward it to my friend to take care of it for me.
Steve who's selling your equipment
I might be interested on couple of things!
Thanks and good luck with the kids
It's a lot of wooooorkkkk more than a full time job!