Sudden Death: Clam kills emperator angel

I always thought those old stories about giant clams 'catching' divers were myths. But after seeing those shots....:eek:
And to think that at the aquarium store where i go, they have this open giant clam tank, i tell folks not to get so close, their attack clams.
Sorry about your loss, if you hadn`t posted the pictures i might not believe you story, it is so weird of a happening. :(
Did you think of trying to open the clam a little just to release the angel? :confused: I would had tried too :thumbsup:
Buddy :fish1:
Dragon Moray eels
well, I hated to tell you the aftermath of this incident, but i know you will ask anyway.. As a natural reaction of seeing my angel still alive, waving his tail, I picked the clam up and tried to open it w/ a screw driver and then a knife w/ no avail since the clam hold on so strong, and i almost got my finger tip stuck in there! and then i realized the angel's eye already popped out and it's not going to survive so i gave up and hope i didn't hurt the clam... But the next day, i saw the clam crow (or meat..) was torn up at one side, surely due to my screw driver.. and there was this darn fighting conch sucking the clam right a the torn crown. I pulle the conch out and threw it to a far corner.. The clam opened again but not fully extended and look weak.. Then the second morning, the darn conch was sucking the clam at the same torn meat again! i was upset and threw the conch to my sump.. but too late, the clam died the next day... I wished i hadn't try to open the clam w/ the screw driver.. but you know, it's tough to see your fish dying w/ doing something..
Definately some of the coolest pics Ive evr seen on RC!

The deathgrip is stong. One of my Croceas chomped down on my aquatongs and did NOT want to let go. It took 10 minutes, but now efverything is fine.
Wow. That's amazing. I haven't had any clams but I now know to give them a lot of respect.

Thanks for the pictures. Sorry about the lost fish and clam.
Re: Sudden Death: Clam kills emperator angel

fishcraze2002 said:
The pics say it all! This incident happened several wks ago. I got the angel for about 3 wks, and then got the clam a wk later. The angel nipped on the clam once in a while, but not so often, and the clam seemed to get used to it: retract a little bit when the angel passed by and wide open immediatley after that.. but then one night, rite in front of me, the angel had gone too deep into theclam meat and the clam close so fast and it got the angel.. I tried to open the clam to save the angel w/ no avail since it's so strong and tight.. i had to give up! i was stunted watching the clam keep the angel straight up like that for hours and only released the dead body the next morning!!!

Can you post the pics again, please? :)