Sudden Death: Clam kills emperator angel

I have noticed a bunch of two year old threads getting bumped in the last few days. I think some people just learned how to use the search feature.
What The?

What The?

Hey, since apparently natural life in action pictures are too "adult" for this site....could you PM them to me?
Re: What The?

Re: What The?

SaltyPugs said:
Hey, since apparently natural life in action pictures are too "adult" for this site....could you PM them to me?

That has nothing to do with it. The orginal post is over two years old. The pictures were more than likely moved by the owner of the pics. He has stated that if he can find them he will repost them.
Darold said:
I would love to see this. Could anyone e-mail it? I will post on my photobucket account.

lol I think I have a copy of this foto on my HD at home. I'll post it later if you can't find your copy.
Hey Adam, Thanks for the 411.......I guess that I didn't (gasp in horror) read through entirely before posting. Hope it didn't ruin your day
Tagging along to say, please do repost. We have two clams in our tank as well as a spiny oyster and I hope they never try to murder any of our fish! We had a yellow tang that was nipping the smaller clam, we caught it and traded it at the LFS for a Pacific blue tang. Who knows, we may have saved the YT's life by taking it away from the clam.
Yeah, I can't wait to see these pics. I subscribed to this while at was at school thinking that the security was blocking out any pictures, but I was disappointed when I came home :( :lol:
SaltyPugs said:
Hey Adam, Thanks for the 411.......I guess that I didn't (gasp in horror) read through entirely before posting. Hope it didn't ruin your day

NO need to get all cocky. I just saw that you are new to the site, and may not have noticed the fact. That is why I politely pointed that out. Even though you jumped to a conclusion right off the bat that it had been removed by site level mods.

But I don't mind.
3_high_low said:
lol I think I have a copy of this foto on my HD at home. I'll post it later if you can't find your copy.
Oh, I don't have a copy. I was saying if someone did have one, I would be willing to post it.
AJP said:
I have noticed a bunch of two year old threads getting bumped in the last few days. I think some people just learned how to use the search feature.
Personally, I'd like to see the pics and I'm glad someone did bump this two year old thread. I find it very interesting.
The same thing happend to one of my o. clowns, unfortunately I did not have my camera with me that night and have no pics.