Sudden Death: Clam kills emperator angel

Heres the pic

Heres the pic

I think,
I saved this to my computer years ago, to funny not to.


:eek2: :crazy1: That is just toooo wild, the fish was much prettier than the clam so i would've done this to the clam :blown:
omgosh thats crazy, I was thinking from the posts that it was a small angel, not a jumbo one with a tiny clam taking it down, thats like the scene at the end of finding nemo when the tiny fish eats the giant fish. CRAZY
WOW, I'm having second thoughts about ever getting a clam!! Sorry about the fish, though I understand it was a while ago.
That is exactly how I found my o. clown a couple of months ago! I still love my clams and will not give them up for any fish. I have coral beauty that picks/grazes off the clams now and again but so far is fast enough to get away with it. Hey that's life on the reef.
He got'm good too, right on the gills....oOUCH!...."THAT'S GOTTA HURT!" "UNCLE", "UNCLE!". See, in the real world you lose more than just your "stock options."

That was just a juvenile, "I wonder if it was an adult if the out come would be different."
WOW, I'm having second thoughts about ever getting a clam!!

hey guys, don't be worry too much about the clams... This situation may only happen one in a thousand cases of angel nipping clams. However, my angel just happened to be the unlucky one:D I think he deserved that tho since he kept nipping at the clam, and thinking that the clam couldn't do any thing to harm him. And at one moment, he just sticked his head a little too far into the clam:eek1:

here are some more pics that i found in my old folder:


You can see the relative size of the angel compared to the clam in the second pic:eek2: