Wow, Clay.
In the past several weeks, I have heard several of my/other divers or clients say the phrase, "It is what it is," which is an implication that a fact is a fact, and that the fact is not the responsibility of the person who points it out. For example, if a person says, "The sky is blue today," the response may be, "It is what it is." If another says, "The working dive took me three hours instead of the one and a half that we'd estimated," the response may be, "It is what it is." I heard it in reference to some of the high estimates that I gave on some of the jobs that I've done this past month... There was a ton of work to be done underwater, and even after doing my best to cut costs and reduce the amount, the clients said, "It is what it is," and then paid the bill.
Nobody likes to have the obvious pointed out - it's either annoying (everyone already knows it 'cause it's obvious) or painful to accept (a high bill to pay, a lot of work to be done, or something that doesn't go your way). So I completely understand that my comments offend you. I, too, have been offended before, and it's not a pleasurable thing.
Nonetheless, if you are stalking (your words) an animal and killing it, by definition that makes you a stalker and a killer. If you are hunting an animal either by gun or fishing pole, that makes you a hunter. It is what it is, my friend.
Do not be angry with me for pointing out the obvious. If you do not like the label hunter or killer, then stop hunting or killing.
My diet is not the crux of your issue.