Tamarin Wrasse Primer.

I've had them for over a year. I couldn't get all of them in the same pic, but I got most of them. They eat Hikari mysis (large and small), PE mysis, clams and Spectrum pellets. I always overfeed so they can browse for a while between feedings. These look for food all day long.
I've had them for over a year. I couldn't get all of them in the same pic, but I got most of them. They eat Hikari mysis (large and small), PE mysis, clams and Spectrum pellets. I always overfeed so they can browse for a while between feedings. These look for food all day long.

Nice! Oh, okay. Yeah, they are always looking for food...
Great thread. Wonderful pictures everyone! Africa, to be able to catch a fish and put it in your tank would be simply amazing to me! I live in the land locked Midwest in the USA.
i had apsyco head trio and the male went berzerk to say the least as he would have nothing to do with "aquarium life" and he bashed himself to death on the glass . the females did well for a while and slowly thinned down and perished . they never really ate very well after the male died . i had the male for five or six months and he constantly was bouncing off the tank walls . i tried even covering the exterior of the tank to mellow him but you could still hear him hitting the glass . some fish should be left on the reef IMO .
Largeangel ~ your harem looks awesome ! nice deal there ~
Thanks. Yes, they aren't the easiest wrasses and in the beginning the male did pace back and forth on the glass and making me nervous a few times but now he doesn't do that. After a year I am a little more confident they will do well for me. The male has started doing some serious flashing and circling of the females lately. I have lots of rock with lots of hiding places to try and make them more comfortable. I also keep my tanks cooler at 70-73°F. All were treated with Prazi and Cupramine.
Stunning Large Angels. It's nice to see someone successful with a male. You dont see it very often.
is he eating the baby brine ? if so you may want to supplement portions with selcon . a couple of drops in a 1 oz container for five minutes will get some in their bellies and coat them . do not leave them in the selcon for to long as it will kill them .i think they suffocate in the solution .
Bradleyj, your Tamarin is awesome but I really dig your other two wrasses- are they H. melanuris and T. quinquevittatum? They are beautiful.
Well, I've had it for 30 days so far and I gave the wrasse to my friend so he can hold it for me as I will be restarting/rebuilding my tank. The Wrasse is doing fine in his tank so far. Tons of pods in his tank.
okay so i will not be around when it comes up but someone needs to get the picture from divers den of the Lennard's tamarin wrasse and post it here ! he will be amazing as they are a choati on steroids and then some . wish i was ready for this one but i will be traveling down the road . please get picture and post it here !
thanks in advance
oh yes i would like one for Christmas so pm me for my address and you can get him for me ! lol