Tamarin Wrasse Primer.

He will be her on Saturday along with a potters angel and copperband :)

I'll post some pics once he is acclimated.
IMO they are somewhat boisterous and will throw corals about the tank if they are not properly adhered . they also will cover corals with sand when they burrow at night . i have a bunch of them and have not seen any nipping of my corals but i have mainly lps .
My pair seem to be reefsafe for the most part. Both accepted frozen brine aggressively on the first day! Havent tried anything else just yet.

Occassionally, they'll make a snap or crunching sound! Anyone know what or why this is? Very pretty fish; definitely one of my all time fav wrasse species!!!
great question

great question

Shrimp and invert safe?

i will have to admit that i didn't include them into my opinion . no they are not shrimp or invert safe as i only have a few nassarius snails left out of literally hundreds of snails ,hermits ,and other CUC type inverts . also they took out my conk that was four inches long . very good question and i would like to thank you for getting to the truth . and the truth be told is that they will eat your CUC if and when they get a chance . i also would like to add that my wrasses are fed 4 or 5 times a day so its not like they need to eat my CUC in any way . the only fish wrasse that has starved in my tanks has been the royal Hawaiian cleaner wrasse as he ate every time i fed the tank but he always was losing weight from day one . they should be left on the reef IMO .
Thanks for answering my?s guys. I'm a big fan of tamarins but I'm not ready to give up my shrimp quite yet. Ill stick to my fairies and flashers.
Unfortunately, I lost my female Tamarin wrasse yesterday nite. I found it buried in the sand with what seems to look like its head was wedged underneath some LR! :(

What might have caused this? Harassment from another fish. I have monitored the pair from day 1 and didnt notice any serious harassment from any of the other tank members. No other wrasses are in the tank as I had sold my Melanarus prior to adding the Tamarin pair. My Zebra Swallowtail would swim close to the wrasses and start wiggling its tail, but nothing serious...no nipping or chasing around! Both ate everything I threw in the tank. No signs of ich or other parasites.

To my understanding, reef fishes usually wont attempt to enter in a crevice if they wont fit. The LR didnt move of fall onto the wrasse; any ideas why this may have happened???
first of all im sorry to hear but it may just be where she last burrowed or tried to borrow . usually they come out to die for some reason . they are fighting death and not sticking to the norm at that time i imagine so anything goes IMO .
again sorry for your loss .lets hope the other does well .
first of all im sorry to hear but it may just be where she last burrowed or tried to borrow . usually they come out to die for some reason . they are fighting death and not sticking to the norm at that time i imagine so anything goes IMO .
again sorry for your loss .lets hope the other does well .

Thanks for the input Dave. This is what makes the loss worse...it was thriving, healthy, eating like a champ and kills itself looking for a place to burrow itself. I feel so responsible :(
in nature there are animals that dont have the facilities to ensure their own health .we can always try to help them along and give them what we think is the best possable conditions which is somewhat a guessing game at best. yes we think we know what they require but what we really know is what they need to survive out of their natural habitat a decent percentage of the time in most cases . we cannot control how the fish were caught ,housed and shipped before we get them and this is where much of the problem lies if you ask me . you may of needed a deeper sand bed but the fish also could have been doomed before you purchased it . i understand that it was eating and looking as though it was fine but in all reality it may have been damaged before you purchased it . if we do our best to provide and learn what each fish needs are then we are doing all we can do to ensure their well being . as i said before some were just harvested,housed ,and shipped incorrectly to the point of irreversible damage and we cannot control that in any way .
if you do all you know how to do then never blame yourself .you should not feel responsible for the fishes death but feel good that you have taken the time to try to provide such a fish a good home which is a real tough thing to do .
in an adjacent subject i purchased a puppy and he came to me with a disease called parvo which killed him and i was helpless in the whole thing as he was only in my house for five hours and then straight to the vet he went never to be seen by me and my wife . we strived on and purchased another puppy four months later and he is the best dog that i have ever had . i guess some things happen for a reason and if not there is always the thought that the future is bright .
enough rambling but please dont feel that its at all your fault
Just updating on my neo,

here it was, 5 weeks ago

here it is now


It needs just a little teeny bit of filling up to do beneath the eyes, and then get a fatter belly. But I am very pleased and happy.
you have been feeding him well as you certainly can see the difference in his upper head area . almost doesn't look like the same fish ,good job !
Yes, lots and lots of feedings, at least 5 times a day.
1 pound of artemia and 1 pound of mysis in a little more then a month :D
And a lot of other things as well, I have had very good results with lobster eggs.

I am very happy, especially because this was my first tamarin.