Tamarin Wrasse Primer.

awesome to hear ! how big is your tank ? two pounds of food in a month seems a bit high . i have 45 wrasses and some other mixed fish in with them and go through 8oz per week and a half and sometimes two . whatever your doing keep it up though as that fish has made a remarkable turn around
awesome to hear ! how big is your tank ? two pounds of food in a month seems a bit high . i have 45 wrasses and some other mixed fish in with them and go through 8oz per week and a half and sometimes two . whatever your doing keep it up though as that fish has made a remarkable turn around

450g sps tank. And I usually don't feed this much, but I didn't want to take any risk so I'd rather feed too much than too little. The tank can handle it though, nitrate 2 phosphate 0, even with two pounds of food. But I have 6 big tangs and they eat a lot too. I wish I had 45 wrasses... I have 7 now.
i have 45 wrasses and some other mixed fish in with them and go through 8oz per week and a half and sometimes two .

With all my fish I go through about 1 1/2 16 oz packages of mysis per week, plus all the other foods.

Some dynamics of my harem lately is that the male harrasses the #$@%^% out of the largest female to the point I though he would kill her. Tried to catch her but couldn't. No aggression whatsoever towards the other 5 red tails. Eventually the female just hid in the sand during the day and would come out at night or in the morning to feed and when the male wakes up he chases her and she burries herself. I think she is starting to turn male and he won't put up with her. I'm trying to catch her, but virtually impossible.
Hmmm... maybe try putting a fish trap in there? Or, find out where she sleeps and scoop up the sand area where she sleeps with a net?
Just posting pics of my pair. Apologies for the lack of clarity; these guys are very fast!



Went on vacation for a few days and the morning I left I went downstairs to check on all the tanks before I left. The male and the female he hates were at it like WWIII. Male was chasing her like crazy. I was just a blig blurr racing around the tank. I put a couple of nets in an attempt to catch her. Well the male wound up in the net so I took him out before one or both got killed. Put him in another tank and then had to leave. 5 days later and that female is now turning male. White stripe and red tail are disappearing, face in turning orange and the white dots are disappearing. In just 5 days. Appears she did want to change and the male would have no part of it. I even saw the new male flaring the other females last night.
I have had my Anampses meleagrides for ten months. I saw a couple at the LFS that had the "zombie" look and were not feeding and passed on these. Two weeks later one came in that was small (1 1/4 - 1 1/2), alert and pecking at the rocks. I had researched them and was wary, so I asked the owner about their difficulty. He said he didn't think that they were that difficult IF you can get them to eat enriched brine shrimp. I snatched it up even though HALF of my research said not to. I did not quarantine him because I wanted him "on the rocks" ASAP. It was funny to watch him take on amphipods as big as his head (almost as big, ha ha).

THIS IS MY FAVORITE FISH. The personality is sooo cool. It is the low man on the totem pole and doesn't even care. Whenever someone takes a run at him he simply does a 180, 270, barrel roll or whatever he feels like and leaves them looking foolish.

I almost lost him when I went home for Christmas. Though the Mandarin, Six-line, and others were fat he was noticeably pinched. He even was too weak to evade and stopped feeding (I wanted to puke). However, the next day he did an about face and got his appetite back. I fed the crap out of the tank and now he is as fat as ever. This is the first time in my life a fish has come back from the brink for me (almost all my experience is freshwater)

My Anampses has grown an inch in my care. I read somewhere that if they were only shipped with an inch of sand in the bag, that their reputation would be entirely different (beating their face on the bag causes damage preventing them fom feeding).

I apologize for not having pictures. I am computer-challenged and must do some learning in this area. I will try to borrow a camera.

Counting two upgrades my system is fourteen months old. I run a nutrient rich system. I was skimming VERY lightly along with my algae scrubber but disconnected my skimmer yesterday (time for the plunge). I have not changed any water since October 31st. I believe the scrubber is the only reason that I am successful with the Anampses, Cleaner Wrasse and Golden Angel. I'm just not experienced enough otherwise.

I don't buy coral anymore. As soon as a peice gets as big as tennis ball, I keep a piece for myself and trade it to the LFS for a frag I don't have. I have better color than their Zeolit system, though comparable to those I see here using Zeolit.

I don't lie. I have no reason to. I am only writing out of a sense of obligation. I prefer to read or look at my tank. Thankyou very much Santa at Algae Scrubber.net.


P.S. I used to watch Lemieux, Jagr, Francis, Coffey, Stevens, Samuelsson, et al from thirty yards away while consuming obscene amounts of beer and nachos with jalopeno peppers. Ben Franklin would say that this was more proof that the universe wants us to be happy.

Went on vacation for a few days and the morning I left I went downstairs to check on all the tanks before I left. The male and the female he hates were at it like WWIII. Male was chasing her like crazy. I was just a blig blurr racing around the tank. I put a couple of nets in an attempt to catch her. Well the male wound up in the net so I took him out before one or both got killed. Put him in another tank and then had to leave. 5 days later and that female is now turning male. White stripe and red tail are disappearing, face in turning orange and the white dots are disappearing. In just 5 days. Appears she did want to change and the male would have no part of it. I even saw the new male flaring the other females last night.

How's the older male doing in the other tank?
2 males now, wow that's awesome. It's almost impossible to have 1 and now you will have 2.:thumbsup:
chrysocephalus is one of my favourite "spotted tamarins". the females are gorgeous and the males are a whole other thing. this thread is great keep it up everyone.

stefania, your tank is magnificent and i adore the aqua scaping!
I got him off divers den about a month ago. I was REALLY worried when I got it, it was laying on its side during acclimation... I placed it into my sump and it just floated with the current for a little while. I left it alone and was sure that I would find it dead later, but when I went to check on it, it was nowhere to be found. I had a sandbox in the sump so I carefully looked under it and could see that it was buried in the sand, a good sign for sure. I left it in the sump for a couple of days before bringing it up to the main tank where it went into an acclimation box for a little while before being released into my reef. It started eating a couple of days later and has really started becoming "one of the pack" with my other wrasses and fish.

I credit Divers Den with conditioning this fish. I have never had a fish look this "troubled" come back with a vengeance. It eats mysis and live blackworms aggressively and just cruises the tank all day.