Tamarin Wrasse Primer.

well all my tamarins are doing great but one is having difficulties ans i dont think he will make it much longer .i feel helpless as he looks perfectly healthy but has been resting on substrate and in the corners way to much . usually they swim all say and never think of resting but i have had a couple of new fish act this way and then die shortly after . i have had him for two years and although he does eat well he hasnt put on much weight at all .they simply burn so much energy during the day and i feed them 3x daily . i have stepped up the feeding in that tank to try to help him and will have to let nature take its corse. cross yer fingers please !
well i just pulled him out as he died today ,just dont know why but i think he just wasnt getting enough food .all water paramiters checked out just fine .
they simply burn so much energy during the day

Exactly. They swimm ALL the time. One of the reasons I overfeed everytime so they can search out food in the rocks/sand between feedings.

My female redtail has been pretty much male for a while now and I have discovered that male's can be very aggressive chasing their females around. This male is doing the exact same thing the other one was, but to all of them except the smallest. My son say's they are playing tag, but sometimes it looks more like a pinball game and it is hard to keep track of them.
well i just pulled him out as he died today ,just dont know why but i think he just wasnt getting enough food .all water paramiters checked out just fine .

Was it skinny or do you think it was more of a nutrition issue?

Sorry for the loss. They are so pretty.
Dave, sorry to hear about the loss of your fish. :(

I have a question. Would a harem of flasher wrasses work out with a tamarin in a 90 gallon?
alien he was fat and looked happy but just lost his energy . it could have been nutrition of something else that i cant identify so im not sure .
eric i would think you should have no issues but the flashers should be introduced last IMO.
Well, it has happened again. The female redtail that turned male started chasing the heck out of first one and then a second female, but left others alone. So bad that they barely came out during the day and if they did they got chased really bad and then hid in the sand. I would find those two females out in the morning when the lights were out and over the weekend I was lucky enough to catch one female. I put her in the sump below and sure enough her face is just starting to turn. She's a little beat up, but eating well. Now to try and catch either the male or the other female.
they are all pretty close to wholesale prices and the lennardi's are an awesome price . wish they had pictures like DD so we could see the actual fish . they may not be in stock ,i dont know but for sure good prices .
has anyone ever bought from them ?are they reputable ? that would be my concern as i do know what the prices should be . Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ?
i was actually looking at them for an eight lined flasher wrasse. Same price as LA for the eight lined though.
yeah, im thinking that they are not all in stock as there list is really full of rarities IMO. do they normally have that many different wrasses for sale ?
seems almost like a wish list ,hey Nick have you visited this site before and did they always have that many fish on it ? it seems like the tamarins weren't always that way by your initial statement .
i just emailed them and will let you know when i get a response as to whats actually in stock .im kinda interested here thanks for the info ,like i said i will let you know as soon as they respond to me .m it would have to be a very large store as the also had something like 34 angelfish and some other listings were really high for a retail store as far as how many they listed . again Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?
Wow, choati for $22. Leonard's for $200 . That's insane prices if its legit and the fish are healthy.
last time i saw prices that insane the website was like eight years old and basicly shut down but still in the deep pages on the listings . choati's wholesale at somewhere around $70 from quality marine so theres something weird here .
oh aeah ,and when i searched for the lennardi when DD had a couple the best i could find wholesale was $299.00 at route 66 which had a bunch ,and thats wholesale . someone down in florida contacted me with one also and he had it in a bad setting and also stated he would sell it for $300.00 because he had it in a bare bottom fish only tank and really didn't want to have him die due to the incorrect setting .
haven't been there before. stumbled upon it when looking for the said flasher. they seem legitimate, they even have a facebook page.