The angel thread to end all angel threads: all owners of angelfish in reefs respond!!

Planning a new dwarf angel ended up on this thread. Veeery nice.

My experience -
Bicolor angelfish - tearing apart zoas - not eating, not picking - tearing apart and spit them. Didn't touch other LPS. Beginner tank, bad feeding habit? Don't know.

Now, more experience, new tank - plan to add coral beauty and flame at same time in LPS/SPS/zoa tank.
1. What kind of angel
Blueface full adult
2. Wether it was reef-safe
3. If it was not reef-safe, what did it eat?
Nips at everything softies, sps, but will EAT zoas.
1. Regal Angelfish 3"(juvenile growing into adult)- Totally reefsafe, with sps zoas, chalice. Hasn't been with acans, trachyphylia.

2. Golden Angel - Nips sps polyps but its so small it doesn't do much damage
I had a coral beauty for 2 years, did not bother anything. I had an automatic feeder that released pellets 4 times a day, and I also fed frozen brine-shrimp once per day. I had him with frogspawn, montipora digitata, and toadstool coral.
My experience mostly SPS, Clams, anemones and a few LPS
Majestic 1 safe for many years
1 unsafe have to be remove with in a week
Nox 1 have to be remove with in a day
Regal 4 all reef safe
Flame angels. Many 10 (+) All reef safe in my tank
Cherub 2 reed safe
Fireball 2 both safe
Watanabei 4 all reef safe
Coral beauty 1 not safe
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Queen angel, had it for almost 9 years and was only "1 when I got her. Was in a tank with soft corals, mostly leathers, mushrooms, finger, and buttons. Was fine as a juvenile, but the last 2 years I had her it ate all of the softies except the shrooms ! Unfortunately I lost her in a freak heat wave .
Cherubs no problems with any corals, LPS, softies, etc.
Sorry to dig ip an old thread, but i have a couple questions.... i see the word"polyps" a lot, what exactly are we including in that term? And the lemon peel/half black hybrids, what line of the spreahsheet were they included? Lemon peel or halfblack?
Thank you for doing this! Definitely going to help a lot of people out. I have four angels currently in a fish only with live rock tank but I will be adding SPS to the tank later this year when everything is stable like a rock.
Majestic - nipped at zoas and acans but left sps and lps alone
Japanese swallowtail - no harm to any coral
Bellus pair - female looks interested in grazing on coral but has only eaten the mucus after spot feeding
Red Sea female tiger angel - so far not picked on any coral
Lamarck - has not picked on any coral
Flame - nipped on some food corals were eating but not any actual coral
Juvi emperor about to transition. So far no corals on the diet. I have zoos, acans and sps in the tank. I wouldn't be super upset if I lost the Zola's but he isn't going for them
Annularis angel - Has not picked at anything (SPS, sinularia, zoanthids)

Blueface angel - TBD; in acclimation box :0)
it is now...
great thread, so go for it!
Great!!! I was hoping this thread would become more active....I just added a month ago a captive bred Singapore Angel.... absolutely is doing better are some pics of the little guy...eats Mysis like a champ...and nori from my grazer.....


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Nice.. I am considering buying a Blueline Angel from Poma Labs. How was your experience?
I actually bought mine from my LFS who bought several captive bred Singapores and a several blue lines from poma was very healthy...not shy at all and does great....I sent a email to poma labs to let them know to keep up the good work...and the owner responded back...he thanked me and wanted me to keep in touch to let know how he is doing! I think you should go for it...if you Google poma labs there are some great reviews on there!!!

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