The BEST Vacation EVER!!!


Hi Chad, is this a golden puffer or yellow dog-face? I seem to see a mask around his mouth so I'm inclined to think it's a dog-face.
man ... nice pics! i always wanted to dive! it seems fun, but im going to be honest with you .... if i got in the water and saw a shark, i would probably have an accident in my suit .... i love sharks too, but i like to see them on TV or the PC ...
Nice and thanks for posting

Wow awesome, Thanks for the pics

Thanks guys!

Hi Chad, is this a golden puffer or yellow dog-face? I seem to see a mask around his mouth so I'm inclined to think it's a dog-face.

When I first saw it, I remember thinking to myself that it was a dogface puffer, but I'll see if I have any other pics of the face to confirm.

man ... nice pics! i always wanted to dive! it seems fun, but im going to be honest with you .... if i got in the water and saw a shark, i would probably have an accident in my suit .... i love sharks too, but i like to see them on TV or the PC ...

Hahaha... yeah, it's a blast. There's something about swimming with something that could tear you apart if it wanted to :D. But I've been swimming/snorkeling/diving in lots of places, and as long as you respect them, they seem to not even care you're there.

Although there was one time while I was there where 3 or so baby/smaller (about 3 to 3 1/2 feet long) grey reef sharks came out of nowhere, and were SUPER curious. Coming up within a couple of feet to check me out. After their curiosity was satisfied, they kept their distance, but it was pretty fun to see how "baby sharks" act differently than their adult forms. I was probably the first human they'd seen in their young lives.

Thanks again guys! I'll try to keep finding more pics.

My wife and I get to snorkel in the Florida Keys 3-5 long weekends a year, and I've snorkeled and dived in the Bahamas and Jamaica. But your story and photos are just awesome compared to all that I have seen in 15+ years. You two are so lucky to be able to do this before having kids. Keep the photos coming and seriously, thanks for sharing!
My wife and I get to snorkel in the Florida Keys 3-5 long weekends a year, and I've snorkeled and dived in the Bahamas and Jamaica. But your story and photos are just awesome compared to all that I have seen in 15+ years. You two are so lucky to be able to do this before having kids. Keep the photos coming and seriously, thanks for sharing!

Thanks Ron!

I've never gone diving in Florida, but I have gone in Cozumel and Belize, and I must agree that the South Pacific has by far the most diverse and colorful reefs I've seen. I even dove the Great Barrier Reef several years back and don't remember it being as impressive as Fiji (probably because the places I dove were mainly tourist spots for snorkeling). Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's some cool stuff to be seen in every ocean/sea, but the South Pacific is the best so far in my eyes.

I'll try and get some more pics up a little later today.


Oh man, I can't believe I almost missed this pic (one of my favorites)!


Some more pics to come a little later...

And here's some more random pics...

Here's the biggest bubble coral I have EVER seen...

A nice lobo (I think)...

A nice pink/purple fungia...

Some Christmas Tree worms...

An oyster of some kind (I believe)...

A clam about 10 feet off of our dock...

It seemed everywhere we looked something awesome was around the corner...

Thanks for looking,

Almost forgot to introduce you guys to some garden eels I found down there...


Had to lie on the seafloor for about 30 seconds until they slowly rose from their holes and started swaying in the current... pretty sweet.


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