The Bubble-Magus Club

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i doubt you will have any problem at all with that.
I have turned my skimmer on and off a ton of times already and it has yet to have any issues.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14600286#post14600286 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JonReefer
i doubt you will have any problem at all with that.
I have turned my skimmer on and off a ton of times already and it has yet to have any issues.

Thanks Jon. Apparently the original BM100 had problems with restart, so I am concerned. I am out of town at times, so it is important that it restart without any issues.
yea I saw the v1 had restart issues...I have probably turn mine off about 30times and have never had one issue with a restart on mine. I have the V2
I have had my BM100 for almost 2 weeks, I love it.

Does anyone have the BM250S? I plan on purchasing this for my bigger tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14601149#post14601149 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JonReefer
yea I saw the v1 had restart issues...I have probably turn mine off about 30times and have never had one issue with a restart on mine. I have the V2

Glad to hear that. I wasn't sure what kind you had. Thanks for the help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14601216#post14601216 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by x2uranium
I have had my BM100 for almost 2 weeks, I love it.

Does anyone have the BM250S? I plan on purchasing this for my bigger tank.
i have asked the same question. i am seriously thinking of getting one.

The BM160 can be used either in or out of sump...It is not strictly and external skimmer...

Mine is being used inside my sump
I have now had my bm 160 for a few weeks and am giving an update on how things are working out and some pics of skimmate. Overall I am very happy so far. I bought from nuocean. It was packaged well and nothing came broken or cracked. putting everything together was easy. I had already decided before i bought the skimmer that i was going to feed this off of my overflow rather than a separate pump. the only difficulty with this was figuring out what size flexible tubing to use. 1/2 inch tubing was too small and i didn't have any 5/8" tubing so i went with 3/4" tubing and used a plastic hose clamp. flow is controlled to the skimmer with a gate valve. the skimmer gives daily skimmate production and it seems to regain it's head fairly quickly after feeding or sticking my hand in the tank. tank looks good.i
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14640050#post14640050 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by danreefs
I restarted my BM100v2 the other day and now its super loud anyone else having troubles like that ?

That's not good to hear. I ordered one yesterday because I thought that these problems had been resolved. I hope you find a simple solution. Let us know what happens if you don't mind.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14640050#post14640050 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by danreefs
I restarted my BM100v2 the other day and now its super loud anyone else having troubles like that ?

Please give us an update on your problem. I have had the BM100 V2 for 2 days and love it. I thought the problem with the pump on V1 had been addressed and fixed. I guess not, but anyway please give us an update on the situation. Good luck with finding a solution on your ends.
Just rec'd my BM100 last week. Here are a couple pics. I should have it running by the weekend. I'm currently in the setup phase of my new tank.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14642127#post14642127 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eagleONE
Just out of curiosity, how many people have the BM100 longer than 4-5 months without any problems?

Does anyone know how long the V2 has been out? My V2 is as quiet as the first day I got it..... I'm as interested in the final results as anyone is. As for now my V2 BM100 is working very well....
I just got my BM100 plugged it in and it gives lots of micro bubbles in my tank. My sump water level is at 10". Does anyone have the same problem or know how to resolve it?
I taked to Chris and he is sending me a new impeller which should arrive next week. This should fix my trubles.
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